Ben Watson

CNN Cuts Off NFL’s Benjamin Watson After He Glorifies Christ


A respected news-media source wouldn’t really pull the plug on someone for saying simply, “Christ died for our sins.”

Would they?

That’s one way to interpret what happened when NFL player Benjamin Watson was on CNN talking about his popular Facebook post regarding his reaction to the Ferguson, Missouri, grand jury decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson. He was abruptly cut off seconds after mentioning “that Jesus Christ died for our sins.”

Just a few seconds after those provocative words left his mouth, the image of Watson, which appeared over the shoulder of a newscaster, was suddenly replaced with squiggly lines of color.

“Was this an actual technical error where the signal was freakishly lost from the warm and cozy studio in New Orleans? Highly unlikely. If Watson was in a tropical storm or in a foreign war zone, perhaps a connection could be lost, but this is pure censorship,” reports

Watson drew smug smirks last week when he put a faith twist on reaction to the Ferguson grand jury’s action—or inaction, if you prefer. Sin is at the root of racism, he wrote on Facebook.

Charisma News senior editor Jennifer LeClaire covered that development here.

A transparent Watson expressed a range of emotions in his post, which immediately went viral. He says he was angry, frustrated, fearful, embarrassed, sad, sympathetic, offended, confused, introspective, hopeless, hopeful and, finally, encouraged.


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