‘Child Abuse?’ Parents Pray for, Confront School Board After Teacher Hosts Drag Queen Show

2022 5 Prayer

A group of Pennsylvania parents descended on a school board meeting in the aftermath of a drag queen show hosted by a public school teacher who did not inform parents of the event.

In early May, video footage surfaced online of a drag queen show featuring sexually provocative dances at Hempfield High School. The after-school event was hosted by the Gay Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club and quickly elicited reactions from blindsided and outraged parents, according to The Daily Wire.

The school’s GSA club is sponsored by French teacher Kelly Tyson, who invited the drag queen performers.

Before stepping into the contentious school board meeting, many parents gathered around the flagpole in front of the school district’s administrative building, where they prayed for wisdom and protection ahead of the assembly.

“We are walking boldly for Your kingdom, Lord,” one parent could be heard praying, according to a video posted by Daily Wire writer Ben Zeisloft. “So, we thank You for protection tonight. We thank You for safety. We thank You that Your words will come out of us, Lord. We thank You that the Holy Spirit is stirring inside of all of us and that we would give You the glory, we will speak Your truth, we will not shrink back, we will speak boldly in faith and in love just as Jesus did when He walked on this earth.”

“Lord, You said that we will do even greater things, Jesus,” the parent continued, referring to John 14:12. “And You chose us — what a privilege — to live in this time. This time was chosen for us.”

Some of the Christian parents even spoke peacefully with and embraced students who are part of the GSA club.

Once in the meeting, several parents raised their voices in opposition to the drag queen show.

“Our schools are overreaching and indoctrinating our children, which has created confusion and stress in the most vulnerable,” said one parent, Stacy Hernandez, who condemned the school board for allowing “filth into our schools” and permitting the “exploitation of our children.”

“It’s a form of child abuse, and it’s about indecency in our schools and lack of leadership,” she added.

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