Campaign Suggests Abortion Has Taken Place of Fathers


It is not a disease, but it is an epidemic. Abortion leads to the death of 1.2 million lives each year. And The Radiance Foundation and the Issues4Life Foundation see the choice continually leading society down a path of fatherlessness.

These two pro-life, pro-fatherhood, pro-woman organizations are launching a new campaign, “Fatherhood Begins in the Womb!” to emphasize the biblical requirement and vital need for men to be providers and protectors.

Statistics flow from the Center for Disease Control, permeating the hearts of the campaign’s creators. The campaign’s website makes note of the disheartening numbers. “Today, 41 percent of all U.S. children are born into unmarried households … Nearly 84 percent of all abortions are attributed to unmarried women … Children without fathers in the home are five times more likely to live in poverty than those raised by two married parents.”

Ryan Bomberger, Chief Creative Officer of The Radiance Foundation and creator of campaigns, says our government has abstracted the responsibility of males to fulfill the roles of fatherhood. “Men have been empowered by Roe v. Wade to have sex and run. They’ve been forced out of their crucial role by perpetual welfare and today’s brand of liberal feminism.”

“Too many men have abdicated their responsibility in the home,” adds La Verne Tolbert, Ph.D., former New York City Planned Parenthood board member and part of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition. “The pervasiveness of a fatherless society is the tragic result of this moral decline.”

The consequence of such a stripping of responsibility, according to the “Fatherhood Begins in the Womb!” campaign, is that abortion has taken the place of fathers. shines light onto the verbiage used in Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report. “Despite their namesake, they do little to nothing to promote family or parenthood. Their latest annual report uses the term ‘abortion’ 35 times, while never once using the terms ‘mother’ or ‘father’ … or ‘parenthood’. They depend upon the denigration of family to inject their life-killing venom into communities most vulnerable, especially our inner-cities.”

The Radiance Foundation and the Issues4Life Foundation point to the many social science studies which prove that “traditional marriage, between a man and a woman, provides the most stable environment for a child economically, emotionally, educationally, physically and spiritually.”

When a man has sex with a woman, he is consenting to being a father,” says Walter B. Hoye II, President of the Issues4Life Foundation. “We want to emphasize the biblical requirement and vital need for men to be involved as providers and protectors when ‘life’ happens.”

The collaborative effort to reveal the statistics of fatherlessness, single-parent poverty and the deterioration of two-parent married households will launch at a press conference scheduled Saturday morning in Sacramento, Calif.


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