Bob Coy

Calvary Chapel Removes All Trace of Fallen Pastor Bob Coy


By the time Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale announced that its leader and founder Pastor Bob Coy had admitted to a moral failure, his picture was taken down from the staff page. Now all his messages and media content have also gone missing.

What’s going on? Pastor Dan Hickling, Internet pastor at Calvary Chapel, is bringing clarity to the issue.

Hickling starts by explaining that the heart of the ministry of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale has always been and always will be that of making disciples and doing whatever it can to nourish God’s flock with the truth of His Word.

“Pastor Bob’s messages are so full of truth and challenge and opportunity to grow,” Hickling says. “Life for so many of us, including myself, would be entirely different if we didn’t come in contact with this ministry.”

So why was the media content removed? Unfortunately, Hickling explains, not everyone, during circumstances like these, comes to the website with a heart to learn more about the Bible.

“We’ve discerned the need to guard against those who would inappropriately misuse this content when time and space is needed for the Coy family to properly heal,” Hickling says.

“Unfortunately, we have already witnessed the malicious use of Pastor Bob’s images and vicious rumors online that can only run contrary to our hope for restoration,” he says. “With that in mind, we have taken the precaution to suspend access to his teaching content for now.”

Hickling asks for patience as the church seeks God’s wisdom and guidance on how to best restore the content. He also requests prayers for church leadership to hear the Good Shepherd’s voice with great clarity and certainty in this decision-making process.


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