Author name: Jeanie Correa

Pioneering evangelist Morris Cerullo has seen countless signs, wonders, healings and miracles around the world. In an exclusive interview with Charisma editor Marcus Yoars, he reveals the greatest and most impacting moment of his 67 years in ministry.

Morris Cerullo Shares His Greatest Miracle in Ministry


Pioneering evangelist Morris Cerullo has seen countless signs, wonders, healings and miracles around the world. In an exclusive interview with Charisma editor Marcus Yoars, he reveals the greatest and most impacting moment of his 67 years in ministry.  

'His Comeback Story: A Devotional for Easter' by Anne Graham Lotz, Charisma magazine

End-Times Disasters Abound, but Jesus’ Comeback Offers Eternal Hope


In recent years, we have seen devastating environmental disasters—tornadoes, fires, floods, hurricanes and snow storms—that have destroyed homes and entire communities. We have seen random school shootings that have taken the lives of innocent students, leaving families emotionally distraught. We have seen sadistic terrorist attacks tear at the very foundation of a nation’s security and

Powerful Prayers - by George Wood

3 Spirit-Powered Prayer Strategies That Bring Results


No matter what our age, our years of Christian service or our maturity in ministry, we will always need to keep growing in the exercise and discipline of prayer. As you fulfill God’s call on your life, I want to encourage you to be a person committed to powerful prayer. The apostle Paul’s prayer in

Cindy Jacobs

‘Shields Up!’ A Prophetic Warning for America


Several months ago, I began to feel a great unease again about the safety of America. As I prayed, I felt the Lord warning me that there were attacks being planned on America in attempts to strike terror in the heart of the nation. These would be planned on a systematic level and carried out

Like Samuel, you must accept the mantle God has for you. Will you accept it? BY Schatzline

Awaken the Samuels!


In July 2013, as I was jogging, I heard the voice of the Lord say to me, “Son, we must awaken the Samuels! Awaken this generation to my voice!”  Do you know the story of Samuel? It’s a truly marvelous one. Samuel’s mother, Hannah, made a promise to God that if she was able to

Is the Internet Bad for Religion, Kimberly Winston, Charisma Magazine

Is the Internet Bad for Religion?


A new paper draws an intriguing conclusion to a question scholars have wrestled with for several decades: Why are Americans dropping out of church? One reason? They’re logging on to the Internet. Allen Downey, a professor of computer science at Massachusetts’ Olin College of Engineering, found that between 1990 and 2010 the share of Americans

Pro-Life Filmmakers Battle Gosnell Media Bias

Pro-Life Filmmakers Battle Gosnell Media Bias


If someone were to mention the name Kermit Gosnell, most people wouldn’t know who he was. Sadly, this is evidence of entirely how little media attention this horrific story has received. In 2013, a jury convicted former physician Kermit Gosnell of killing babies born alive at his abortion clinic in Philadelphia. He’s been sentenced to

Nazareth, Pa., child sent home for homemade religious Valentine’s Day cards

Was It Anti-Christian Bigots or Ignorant Educators Who Made Believing Boy Cry?


It’s almost Easter, but an incident that occurred just before Valentine’s Day crossed my desk—and it’s got me fired up. A little boy cried after a Nazareth, Pa., teacher confiscated his Valentine’s Day cards because they contained religious messages and a Bible verse about Jesus, a lawsuit filed this week in federal court alleges. Imagine

Bob Coy

Calvary Chapel Removes All Trace of Fallen Pastor Bob Coy


By the time Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale announced that its leader and founder Pastor Bob Coy had admitted to a moral failure, his picture was taken down from the staff page. Now all his messages and media content have also gone missing. What’s going on? Pastor Dan Hickling, Internet pastor at Calvary Chapel, is bringing

Jon Warren, courtesy of World Vision

Can You Be a Christian and Support Same-Sex Marriage?


(RNS) World Vision found itself testing the evangelical boundaries in March when it announced it would recognize employees’ same-sex marriages. Within 48 hours, it reversed itself. At its core, the reversal raised a stark question: Can you be an evangelical and support same-sex marriage? Reverberations from the policy flip-flop continue to unfold. Last week, Jacquelline Fuller,

7 Craziest Mistakes in the Movie 'Noah' by J. Lee Grady, Charisma Magazine

7 of the Worst Mistakes in the Movie ‘Noah’


I wanted to like the new film until I realized it wasn’t based on the Bible. It’s been more than a week since I saw the new movie Noah, and I’m still scratching my head—and reading Genesis to clear my brain. Not since The Last Temptation of Christ in 1988 has Hollywood so irreverently botched

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