Brother of Christian Olympic Gold Medalist Simone Biles Charged With Triple Homicide


Tevin Biles-Thomas, brother to Christian Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles, was arrested and charged with a triple homicide.

On New Year’s Eve, two people came to an Airbnb party uninvited. When they were asked to leave, they started shooting, killing three people and injuring two others, according to WKYC 3. Biles-Thomas was arrested for this crime yesterday, but no one else has been charged in this investigation.

Biles-Thomas is currently a member of the U.S. Army. The charges against him include six counts of murder (three at the party and three during a different crime), five counts of assaults during a felony and voluntary manslaughter.

Simone Biles and her representatives have not given a comment on the charge, according to

USA Gymnastics told People that “in this challenging time for Simone Biles and her family, USA Gymnastics offers our continued support to Simone, her family and her gymnastics family. This is a very personal and private situation for the Biles family, and we will respect their privacy and hope others do the same.”

Earlier this month, Biles made history by accomplishing what she called “the hardest move in the world.” She became the first woman to hit a triple double as well as the first person to do a double-twisting, double somersault dismount off the balance beam.

Biles’ grandparents adopted her in 2000. Biles says her mother was addicted to drugs and couldn’t be there for her the way she should have been. In honor of her grandparents, Biles danced to Chris Tomlin’s worship hit “Good Good Father” when she competed on Dancing With the Stars.


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