Barnes & Noble: A Place Where Children Can View Porn?

Barnes & Noble

Most parents don’t realize that their 4-year-old might be exposed to pornography at their local bookstore. But that’s exactly what happened at a Barnes & Noble in Texas where a mother saw her son exposed to a nude woman performing a sexual act on a man. All because he was on a Nook at the children’s table.

“This is absolutely unacceptable. Mothers like myself shouldn’t be afraid to let their kids sit at a children’s table because they might view pornography,” says Morality in Media Executive Director Dawn Hawkins.

“Barnes & Noble’s Nook Books is full of free porn,” she adds. “On top of that, they regularly have porn books right next to the kid’s section in their stores. Barnes & Noble needs to stop pushing porn to kids and should altogether get out of the porn business.”

Barnes & Noble issued an apology to the mother in Texas, but needs to commit to providing a way to filter out porn from all Nooks, MIM argues. The next step is to remove pornographic content from their stores, or at least move it to an adults only section. Proof of Barnes & Noble’s involvement with porn can be seen here.

This store will once again be featured on the Dirty Dozen List of top pornography facilitators. The 2014 list will be released in February to bring awareness to the pandemic of harm caused by pornography, including violence against women, increased child pornography and sex trafficking. Morality in Media asks supporters to contact Barnes & Noble about the issue here.

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