AFA: Pro-Gay Carrie Underwood Performing at Passion Confuses Millennials

Carrie Underwood and David Crowder at the 2017 Passion Conference.

One of Passion 2017’s guests is causing quite the controversy: Carrie Underwood.

The country music superstar surprised—and befuddled—Passion attendees when she appeared on stage last week with other music icons, including David Crowder.

“The controversy is why would Louie Giglio put someone in front of millennials—who are struggling with this issue—who is basically saying that the Bible is not true in what it says about homosexuality,” American Family Association’s Ed Vitagliano says.

“[There is a] growing strain within the evangelical community that is denying the truth of Scripture,” he continued. 

Passion City Church and the Passion Conference did not respond to multiple requests for comment. 

Vitagliano isn’t the only Christian organization asking questions.

AFA’s Director of Outreach, Wesley Wildmon, penned a letter to Giglio, detailing his own experience at the conference and the impact Passion has made in his life. 

Louie, if I can be completely transparent, I was very frustrated that you would allow her to help lead thousands of people in worship. My frustration quickly turned to disappointment and then to sadness. Carrie Underwood encourages and supports homosexual marriage, which the Word of God does not (1 Cor. 6:12-20).  

With the many Christian artists who believe and teach the full counsel of God’s Word available to lead worship at Passion, why would you choose one who publicly states homosexuality is not a sin? Would you invite a well-known artist who stated publicly that using porn is honoring to God to speak or sing at Passion?

I do not ask this with a facetious attitude but the sincere hope of making a point. God has given you such a major platform with millennials, it is disheartening to see your lack of concern for biblical clarity on marriage in such a chaotic era. Your approval gives thousands of unsaved or weak millennials an untruthful image of what the Bible says about marriage. It should go without saying, but I will say it anyway: Her denial of God’s Word should not keep you from being friends and encouraging her, but it should give you hesitance in inviting her to partner with your ministry. 

Passion 2017 reportedly had 55,000 millennials in attendance ready to ignite the world with exuberance for Jesus.

Giglio called it, “One of the most Jesus-focused, gospel-saturated, Word-grounded, mission-inspiring gatherings I’ve ever been a part of. And, just wow. Humbled. Still in awe. #passion2017” {eoa}

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