Aborted Babies Born Alive Find Protection With Florida Pro-Life Bill

mother and baby

Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Tuesday signed HB 1129 to grant infants who survive abortion procedures the same rights as infants born naturally. Scott was joined by first lady Ann Scott and pro-life supporters from across the state to sign this bill at Florida Baptist Children’s Home in Cantonment.

“As a father and grandfather,” Scott said, “there is nothing more precious or special than welcoming a new child into this world, and by signing this bill, we are protecting the most vulnerable among us and affirming their rights as individuals. This legislation ensures common-sense measures are taken to help care for the babies who survive abortion procedures and grants those infants the same rights as infants who are born naturally.

“I also want to applaud bill sponsors Sen. Anitere Flores and Rep. Cary Pigman for their commitment to ensuring this bill became law. Rep. Pigman is a U.S. Army Reserve lieutenant colonel who is currently deployed in Kuwait and proudly serving our nation. I was pleased he was able to join our event today via Skype so we could recognize his hard work on this legislation and for his selfless service to our nation.”

Flores said the legislation is about protecting the sanctity of life.

“With the signing of this bill today, Gov. Scott is fighting for those most vulnerable. This is a victory for Florida,” she said.

Pigman added, “I was pleased to sponsor this important legislation this year and proud that Gov. Scott is protecting the lives of those most vulnerable.”

Rep. Clay Ingram said, “Gov. Scott is committed to protecting those most vulnerable, and with the signing of today’s legislation, he is making sure all babies are treated fairly and with dignity.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz applauded the Florida governor for standing up for children.

“It’s amazing to me that something like this needed action by the legislature, but I’m glad we took important steps forward in protecting life,” he said.

Sheila Hopkins, director for Social Concerns/Respect Life of the Florida Catholic Conference, said her organization “applauds Gov. Scott for protecting the life and human dignity of children born alive during or after an abortion. It is our duty to protect the weakest and most vulnerable in society, and this legislation does exactly that. Thank you, Gov. Scott.”

Florida Baptist Children’s Home President Jerry Haag, on behalf the organization, applauded Scott’s commitment to the unborn.

“Our children are our most sacred treasures, and it is imperative that all children—those born and unborn—are valued and treated fairly,” he said.

John Stemberger, president of the Florida Family Policy Council, said, “The Florida Family Policy Council supports Gov. Scott’s commitment to life and applauds him on signing this legislation. We affirm with Governor the first principle that all life, born and unborn, has intrinsic worth and value and deserves to be protected. This is a great human rights victory for the Sunshine State.”

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