4 Solemn Truths About the Nashville ‘Hate Crime’

2023 4 Huey forgiveness

As Christian believers, we are aware that we live in a fallen world.

In times of horrific, indiscriminate violence like the hate-filled rampage at Covenant School in Nashville, in which a radical transgender militant murdered six people—including three children—in cold blood, there are four things Christians need to understand.

1. Socialists will never blame the murderers for their senseless mass shootings.

Socialist politicians, the biased media and social media are always quick to assess blame and responsibility for mass shootings…

In this case, it’s Tennessee’s new laws against drag queens and transgender mutilation of minors or Christians opposed to transgenderism or the church or school teaching Biblical morality.

And, of course, Tennessee’s lack of gun control.

But they never hold the shooters responsible for their heinous acts.

Why do these politicians and pundits not blame the shooters for their murderous acts?

Because to do so would require admitting that some people have become overpowered by hatred and evil in their hearts … and that it has nothing to do with politics.

2. The real cause of mass shootings is evil in the heart.

No one ever talks about this.


Because evil in the heart is a spiritual problem. It’s not a social problem. It’s not a gun control problem. It’s not a problem with one’s environment. It’s not a problem that can be solved by firearm legislation or by the efforts of man.

The guns did not kill Christians at the school. The killer did.

Guns by the thousands save lives every year.

A bad guy killed Able with a stone. A good guy killed Goliath with a stone.

Regulating rocks by legislation ignores the real problem—the heart.

Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills said, in regards to the real cause of the shootings, that it was due to our cultural and spiritual decline:

“The gospel has been rejected by ‘woke’ pastors and churches, and our nation has loosed itself from the moorings of God and His truth,” Hibbs says. “The Bible tells us that God’s grace is what protects us and sustains us, and without His protection, we have no safety whatsoever.

“God has warned us that if we push Him away, we leave ourselves unprotected and vulnerable to the evils of the human heart and man’s fallen nature. The only answer to what’s happening in our nation is not more gun control, because laws cannot change the human heart. Only Jesus Christ can do that.”

Jeremiah 17:9 (NIV) reminds us, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”

And in Jeremiah 17:5 (ESV) we are told, “Thus says the Lord, ‘Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the Lord.'”

A spiritual problem requires a spiritual solution.

3. Forgiveness and God’s love were displayed in the aftermath of the shooting.

After the senseless killing, the pastors and Christians proclaimed God’s love, mercy and grace… giving thanks to Jesus Christ and the cross.

The families have no idea how the gospel was spread because of this tragedy.

Around the world, the media, including TV, is showing prayer and Christian witness, comfort and love, interviewing Christians and showing people of faith praying and worshipping God.

For example, nationwide—even worldwide—people watched as the pastor and members of the church and school declared their faith.

4. God always causes good to come out of evil acts.

In the wake of unspeakable evil, many people turn to God for comfort and for answers.

The Amplified version of Psalm 46 begins with the words, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present and well-proved help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains be shaken into the midst of the seas…”.

Even in the midst of tragedy, the gospel is proclaimed in new ways and with great effectiveness to many who have never bothered to listen to the message before. And souls are saved.

Evil came to the church school in Nashville. But there is nothing—nothing—God can’t redeem.

God is in absolute control.

So, what can you do?

Start with prayer. The families affected by the shooting need your prayers. Covenant Presbyterian Church needs your prayers. Nashville needs your prayers. America needs your prayers.

March CM CoverThen, go forth boldly proclaiming Christ’s victory over sin and God’s sovereignty over our nation, encouraged by the promise that everything the enemy intends for harm, God will use for the good.

Stand up to the tide of mockers who hate the Lord and all that is holy, and work toward revival across our nation. Get involved, and don’t hide your faith.

Live confidently in the promises of God and take action to restore the godliness of our nation.

Bring Charisma magazine home with a subscription today!

Craig Huey is a contributor to Charisma News.

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