How the Tragedy of Polio Became This Man’s Greatest Blessing in Life

2020 06 golfer polio

In the Bible, Jesus said frequently that His children would face trials and tribulations in life (John 16:33) Some, however, like author William Scott Baggett, have faced bigger hurdles than most and have a strong testimony on the other side.

For one, his father committed suicide, and that plunged him to a life of drug abuse.

But most of all, when Baggett as a young boy, polio left him with extensive muscle atrophy on one side of his body. But with God’s help through a long and sometimes arduous journey, Baggett overcame the limitations and hardships polio saddled him with and has climbed to great heights in his life, work and faith.

Although it sounds incredible, polio has become his greatest blessing in life, as he details in his book, The Great Rescue.

“I overcame too much to just sit around and just say, ‘Thank you, Lord, for a great life,'” Baggett told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “I had to share all the overcoming because I really believe I can help others. There’s no question in my mind that God orchestrated all of it and that God gave me attributes to be able to help others through tough times in life.

“I love what Jesus has constantly said, ‘Everyone will face afflictions throughout their life.” But what are you going to do when you are faced with it? When it’s over, what do you do next? It takes a very strong individual to stand up, brush themselves off and go about their way. …

“But what I would say to people, even if you’re not a believer, go find a Bible and open it up. If you haven’t asked Jesus Christ into your life, ask Him into your life. If you want your life to change, and I mean really change, that’s what you need to do. I believe the only way anybody can have an overcoming life would be to have Jesus Christ be a part of their life on a daily basis. He will accomplish what you are looking for. Just don’t quit. You can never give up.”

For more about William Scott Baggett’s incredible story of endurance and victory in Christ, listen to the entire podcast.

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