You Won’t Believe What This ‘Drunk Preacher’s Kid’ Turned Born-Again Believer Is Up to Now

2018 06 Greeneville Awakening CBN

The flames of revival are swirling in Northeastern Tennessee these days as a revival in Greeneville scheduled for one week is now in its seventh with no signs of stopping.

“There’s no end to it; when God says it’s done; it’ll be done,” evangelist D.R. Harrison told CBN News. “We may be here six months; we may be here six years.”

Harrison said he was scheduled to preach a one-week revival beginning April 15 at the Greystone Freewill Baptist Church, but God had different plans.

“We came in that first week, and God met with us in a mighty way,” he shared. “I believe there was 22 people saved the first week, and the pastor asked me about praying about staying over and starting up week number two, and so I did.”

“It just began building from there,” Harrison continued. “The crowds began to build, and as we went through week two, there was quite a bit more saved.”

“And then God just kept leading us to go to week three,” he explained. “And the crowds kept building to standing room only—couldn’t even get ’em in the building.”

Harrison told CBN News that so far, around 125 people have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior at the #GreenevilleAwakening.

“We’re seeing sinners get born into the family of God,” he said.

He explained it’s not a Baptist revival, but people from several denominations are attending.

“There has been Methodists, Presbyterians, Nazarenes, Church of God, Baptists. It’s just been a community-wide revival,” he said. “The hunger that people have had for this has been outstanding. It’s just been unbelievable.”

The evangelist said because they were running out of room at the church, he and the pastor began to pray, and God opened a door through a North Carolina man.

“God gave me an 80 by 140 vinyl tent, gospel tent,” Harrison said. “It seats around 1,500 people. God gave that to us two weeks ago, and it’s just been amazing to see what God has done!”

The #GreenvilleAwakening moves to the tent, which is located in nearby Chuckey, Tennessee, on June 11. Harrison shared that people from around seven or eight different states plan to attend the revival once it’s held in the tent.

“The excitement is just building,” he said. “It almost has a feel of what Burlington (North Carolina) had where I got saved … And it’s just God in these last days is pouring out His Spirit, and what God is doing in this town is nothing but supernatural.”

Harrison accepted Christ at a revival in Burlington, North Carolina, in 2016. He said the Lord set him free of alcoholism and pornography addiction and also called him to go into full-time ministry.

“It’s humbling to know that God would even use me,” he shared. “God just took an old drunk—that’s all I was—just a drunk preacher’s kid—and He saved me in a supernatural revival such as Burlington was, calling me to preach.”

“And He did all that because He had big plans for my life,” Harrison continued. “And I’m just humbled to be a part of it.”

The evangelist said he and his team are preparing for overflow crowds. Revival services are held Monday through Friday, starting at 7 pm.

“We’ve committed and this town has committed to staying under that tent until God’s finished,” he said. “And we’re just praying that God will save a mighty harvest of souls.”

“Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people in this town are lost, and I believe God has ordained ‘for such a time as this’ to reach this town and not just this town but this state and possibly this nation out of this revival,” Harrison shared. {eoa}

Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., All rights reserved.

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