Women Are Finding Biblical Purpose in this Explosive Move of God

2022 10 CORE GROUP 2

Thousands of women are unifying together in an explosive revival centered on one thing—hunger for more of Jesus. The “CORE group” was started by Jenny Weaver and now women in 450 home groups meet to worship God and meet His glory and presence.

In a Charisma News interview, Weaver says their goal is to be equipped to cast out demons, heal the sick, preach the gospel and disciple women around the world.

“I’ve never seen anything like it in all my years of being saved, such an incredible unity of women,” Weaver says.

The group gathered for the first time in April 2022 with just a few hundred women. Now thousands gather in houses across the country. People are fed up with sitting in church on Sunday and nothing in their lives changing. They want the real Jesus and the fire and glory of God.

“We are following the biblical protocol that God laid out, especially when you look in the book of Acts. What were they doing that turned the world upside down? The Bible says they were meeting together and that they were taking communion, worshipping and praising and had all things in common,” Weaver says.

Just like Jesus preached the gospel to the women at the well, these women have encountered Him and are no longer remaining silent. Weaver says they are waking up to the call that they don’t just have to be in the background. “We have so much twisting of scripture that women have been told over the years,” she says.

These women are realizing they can have purpose in motherhood, discipling women and helping the gospel go forth.

We are in a time where people are searching for the truth for themselves. “Never think that’s a bad thing. As leaders, my thought is let’s make sure people have access to these answers,” Weaver says. {eoa}

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Shelby Lindsay is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.

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