What Spirit-Filled Christians Need to Know About the Dire Refugee Crisis


The refugee crisis has been making headlines the last few years as millions around the world flee their dangerous homes to seek asylum. Sadly, both ends of the political spectrum are guilty of politicizing the issue to their advantage.

But Democratic and Republican views aside, what is the Christian perspective on the issue? What do Spirit-filled Christians need to know about this dire problem that’s affecting millions of people?

To answer that question, Taylor Berglund interviewed World Vision’s Brian Duss on the “Charisma News” podcast.

Duss points out that there are more refugees in the world right now than ever before. That places a burden of responsibility on Christians who lead reasonably comfortable lives.

“One of my favorite verses is … ‘To whom much is giving, much is required,'” says Duss, whose father was born in a refugee camp on his way to the U.S. “And in some ways, I feel I’ve won the geographic lottery, not that I gamble. I was born here, and I was blessed with so many things. Scripture also says, ‘Where your treasure is, so is your heart also.’ And when I think about how I spend my time, my talent and my treasure, that really shows who I am.”

Duss often volunteers in his community, and he sees how several programs like PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) have helped improve many lives.

“It’s a beautiful way to say, ‘Hey, I’m putting my money where my mouth is, because God has called us to serve the least of these.'”

Listen to the podcast to hear some practical ways you can make a difference in refugees’ lives through the love of Christ.


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