‘Walmart’ Sign From God Sends Worship Leader Packing

Joshua Prince

In an instant, Joshua Price discovered the truth of James 4:14.

“It says life is like a vapor,” said Price. “Here one minute and gone the next.”

Days after the young worship leader married his high school sweetheart, Deanna, Price lost his 27-year-old brother in a car accident. His brother had made a decision to follow Christ just six weeks before he died.

“It was a big wake-up call,” said Price. “There was just a new sense of urgency in me and my wife to share the Gospel.”

Believing the Lord was calling them to move, but not yet knowing where or when, Price and his new wife sat down to talk with Price’s father.

“We’re sitting in the living room, and we’re telling my dad this crazy thing the Lord has on our hearts, that we’re feeling a call to travel,” said Price. “My dad goes, ‘Have you prayed for a sign?’ “

Price answered that he hadn’t. Minutes later, the three of them bowed their heads to ask the Lord to give them a clear, obvious sign if He wanted them to make a move.

“After that, we go to Walmart to get a movie from Redbox,” said Price. “It’s probably about 10 at night. There’s this school bus in the back of the parking lot, and it’s not normal. It’s not yellow anymore. There’s writing all over it, and it’s covered in all these different colors.”

Price and his wife found themselves approaching the bus to see what was written on it. As they got closer, they could see it was Scripture.

Not knowing if anyone might be sleeping inside, they planned to check it out and quietly walk away.

Before they could tiptoe back to their car, the bus door flung open, startling them both. They had no idea what might happen next.

“This guy walks up the bus and he just goes, ‘Hey my name’s Kirby. I was spending time in prayer. The Lord said to get up and tell those two people out there that they need to go. They’re called to go.’ “

After so much prayer and uncertainty, they knew they had received their sign. It was time to go. The couple was living in Houston at the time. They started packing their bags and selling their belongings.

“We sold about half of everything we owned,” said Price. “TV, video games—I’m a guy of comfort. I had to get rid of everything that was holding my heart back.”

After selling one of their two cars and putting their remaining possessions in storage, the pair hit the road with a suitcase, a guitar, and a Bible, trusting God one day at a time.

“For six months we stayed on futons and couches and shared the Gospel anywhere that would have us, including secular venues—a coffee shop, anywhere. We shared the Gospel through music and preaching.”

Living out of a suitcase took its toll. There were days when Price struggled to understand what God was doing.

“For me it was very uncomfortable at first,” said Price. “Almost every house we stayed at, I had never met somebody there before. We would post on Facebook, ‘We’re in St. Louis—does anyone know someone?’ and someone would just message me a phone number.”

The Prices eventually found a home and two part-time jobs in Sarasota, Florida, but they’re not exactly “settling down.” They’ve traveled to 31 states and four countries, sharing the love and redemptive power of Jesus Christ.

In April, Price’s travels brought him through Charlotte, N.C., to lead worship at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s headquarters, where he blessed staff with several songs he wrote himself.

For Price, making a stop at the BGEA reminded him of the evangelist who helped pave the way for so many other Christ followers to share their faith.

“Who could be a better inspiration than Billy Graham?” said Price. “I can’t even think of a close second place. I’ve never met him, but in a way he’s been a mentor of sorts, just to see a man who is so sure of what the Lord has called him to do and being completely unabashed to do that.”

As Price continues to follow his own calling, he admits it isn’t easy. Each day means making a conscious decision to rely on the Lord. Along the way, Price has discovered Scriptures that help him through the tough times.

“The verse that spoke massively into my life was Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Price says it’s the first half that spurs him on to keep serving God.

“As soon as the Lord became the delight of our lives, that’s when those doors started opening,” Price said. “You start to see that when your joyfulness and contentment is found in Jesus, all the rest of it just falls into place.”

Click here to check out Joshua Price’s new album, Nothing Without You. Click here to read the original story on BillyGraham.org.

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