Unintentional Haunted House: Opening Doors to Darkness and Sin Into Your Home

2021 10 Haunted house

Note: Pastor Mecum’s full illustrated message begins at the 25:10 mark of the above video.

7 Hills Church hosted a special “illustrated message” on Oct. 10 titled “Haunted House.”

On special occasions, 7 Hills Church uses film clips and sets to create what they call “illustrated messages” that provide visual elements to a linear story.

Planned perfectly for the season as families prepare for Halloween, Pastor Marcus Mecum shared a convicting message on the real dangers of spiritual warfare using a haunted house to tell the story of a fictional family who has let the devil’s influence enter their home.

“If ever there was a time when our homes, and our families, and our marriages, and our children were under attack, spiritually—by evil spirits—by the powers of Satan, it is in the day and in the time that we live,” shares Pastor Marcus Mecum. “I don’t think that we need to be unbalanced when we talk about spiritual warfare, the powers of darkness and Satanic power. But the truth is, the apostle Paul said, ‘We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and spiritual rulers of darkness’ (Eph. 6:12).”

In this multimedia message, Pastor Mecum will outline three “gates” by which the Devil enters a home and a life: eyes, ears and mouth. To illustrate this, Pastor Marcus will tell the story of Jenny, Greg and their son JJ—a family of three, each representing one of these three gates.

“We have to be watchmen on the walls to make sure that we’re guarding what’s coming through these gates. We’re going to dig into each of these gates, and ultimately find that our only defense is the Holy Spirit.”

To learn more about “Haunted House,” visit 7hillschurch.tv/hauntedhouse and watch the video above.

Watch more illustrated messages from 7 Hills Church here. To learn more about 7 Hills Church, visit 7hillschurch.tv. {eoa}

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