Tributes From Faith Leaders Continue to Pour in for Pastor Charles Stanley


As tributes continue to pour in for Dr. Charles Stanley, a revered pastor, author and communicator, some are remembering the faithful broadcaster for his transformational impact on Christian media:

CBN Founder and Regent University Chancellor Pat Robertson echoed that tribute, saying, “I join with thousands of friends of Charles Stanley to mourn his passing. He was a great man of God, a wonderful Bible teacher and his influence reached all around the world. To those of us who know Jesus, we don’t mourn the fact that one of his saints comes home, although at the same time, that doesn’t take the sorrow from our hearts.”

Johnnie Moore, president of the Congress of Christian Leaders, tweeted a sentiment that many Christians can relate to: “Some of my own earliest memories are of being in my grandmother’s house, and she would always have Charles Stanley on television. Like millions of others, I think she watched every single one of his sermons, twice.”

Troy Miller, president and CEO of National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), the premier association of evangelical and Christian communicators, praised Stanley during a Tuesday interview with CBN’s Faithwire, noting the late preacher “really embodied the word ‘pastor.'”

“When I think of Dr. Stanley, the first thing that comes to mind is ‘pastor,'” Miller said. “He really loved people, he cared for people, he cared for their lives, and he cared where they spent eternity.”

Stanley’s involvement with NRB ran deep and spanned decades through In Touch Ministries, a teaching and media ministry he founded in 1977.

Stanley’s obituary builds upon his legacy, noting he modeled his massive ministry off of the apostle Paul’s message in Acts 20:24.

Another Christian broadcaster and pastor, Dr. David Jeremiah, said in a statement, “Charles Stanley was not only a knowledgeable and faithful Bible teacher who loved and obeyed God, he was also a man of great character, and a humble and gracious friend. Who can count the number of souls his life and ministry made an impact on? His steadfast commitment to preaching the gospel will be remembered for generations. He has blessed me and the world tremendously, and I will see him again some day in glory.”

March CM CoverDr. James Dobson posted on Facebook, “Charles Stanley was a lion of the faith. An effective evangelist and teacher of the Bible, Stanley had a straightforward take on how to live the Christian life—trust Scripture and obey God. That simple mantra undergirds his legacy and no doubt is reflected in the faith of countless Christians who have been impacted by his ministry. Shirley and I extend our deepest condolences to the entire Stanley family.”

Franklin Graham tweeted, “Our prayers are with the family of Dr. Charles Stanley … I appreciate his faithfulness in unashamedly teaching the Word of God. For many who travel, and also during COVID-19 when people couldn’t attend their own churches, Dr. Stanley’s messages on television not only inspired us but fed us spiritually. His teaching was solid—He did not compromise on God’s Word like so many others do today. God Used him to impact so many lives around the world, and he will be greatly missed.

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