The Super Bowl Commercials That Drove Abortionists Absolutely Crazy

The ultrasound of a baby excited about Doritos.

The Doritos Super Bowl commercial has the abortion industry absolutely losing its mind.


The commercial shows a baby in an ultrasound.

NARAL—the abortion industry’s top lobbyists—immediately took to Twitter in outrage, fuming, “#NotBuyingIt – that @Doritos ad using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses…” That “anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses” is called an ultrasound, which shows a baby human inside the womb.

Yet this wasn’t the only commercial big abortion was flipping out about Sunday.

The NFL released a series of ads during the big game on that premise that “Data suggest 9 months after a Super bowl victory, winning cities see a rise in births.” They are known as Super Bowl Babies.

NARAL again couldn’t stand the idea of babies actually being born, tweeting, “Super Bowl Babies? Use protection, sports fans.”

The abortion industry was actually going out of its mind about these fun Super Bowl commercials because they promoted the simple idea that life is precious and should be celebrated. I guess an idea can be a dangerous thing.

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