Stephen Strang’s New Book Offers Compelling Insight Into Today’s Cancel Culture

2021 8 Stephen Strang Culture

Stephen E. Strang, award-winning journalist, bestselling author and founder of Charisma Media, has announced the forthcoming publication of his compelling new book, God and Cancel Culture: Stand Strong Before It’s Too Late, out on Sept. 7, 2021. His views of today’s cancel culture and its nefarious purposes are bold, thorough, candid and faith-infused—and he is urging God’s believers to stand up against them.

“Cancel culture isn’t new,” notes Strang, a widely read author and Christian businessman who wrote God and Donald Trump (2017), along with other books. “Its purpose has always been to silence opponents and control society by dominance and intimidation. But we Christians must not retreat. We must advance and be strong in the face of cancel culture.” He adds, “It matters to the Lord that we respond rightly, with courage and vision.”

Strang further reveals why he’s written God and Cancel Culture: “We must take ground in the face of cancel culture. We cannot say, ‘Woe is us,’ and opt out or accept defeat. God can never be defeated. We must find ways to remain effective and engaged. Paul wrote that all things work together for those who are ‘called according to His purpose’ (Rom. 8:28). That calling is active. It is purposeful and energetic. Each of us can take initiative and move forward from where we are. The body of Christ is a big, diverse family—and we must choose to cheer each other on rather than become a circular firing squad.

“Christians must not lose heart,” Strang emphasizes. “We must believe God for a great awakening.”

Featuring keen insights from a cross section of leaders, God and Cancel Culture” also pointedly:

— Documents what is happening to many conservatives across the country right now.

— Shares effective ways believers can respond.

— Explains why we can look to the future with hope.

— Helps readers understand that no matter how bad things may seem, God always comes through.

Says Strang, “We are called according to His purpose. The kingdom of God always overcomes cancellation.”

God Cancel Culture RGod and Cancel Culture will help Christians realize the seriousness of the battle before them and illuminate the present circumstance for the purpose of doing good—to bring hope. It will document what is happening in the country, how believers can respond and why they can look expectantly to the future.

Stephen E. Strang is the bestselling author of God and Donald Trump. The founder and CEO of Charisma Media, Strang was voted by Time magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America. He has interviewed four U.S. presidents and has been featured on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBN, Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk and the and in many Christian outlets.

God and Cancel Culture is published by FrontLine, an imprint of Charisma House, which has published books that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians, including 15 New York Times bestsellers.

The book will be available in hardcover, paperback and e-book formats. God and Cancel Culture is set to publish on Sept. 7, and you can pre-order it on When you do, you’ll get $120 worth of free gifts, including four e-books and a subscription to Charisma magazine. {eoa}

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