Can the Second Commandment Block Us from ‘The Chosen?

Jesus walking with His disciples.

For some devout Christians, the path to discerning cultural and societal choices aligns firmly with the teachings of the Bible. The acclaimed series “The Chosen,” a portrayal of the life of Jesus Christ, offers a prime example of these thoughtful considerations. Yet, for individuals like Pastor Voddie Baucham, this popular series sits on the opposite side of his personal boundaries.

During a compelling discussion on “The Babylon Bee Podcast” on August 2, Baucham, who serves as the dean of theology at African Christian University in Zambia, illuminated his reasons for abstaining from the series. The conversation arose in the context of his recent appearances with figures like Glenn Beck, whose Christian-aligned platform resonates more closely with Baucham’s beliefs compared to mainstream outlets such as CNN.

Baucham shared his gratitude for the openness he experiences when appearing on Beck’s show. “There are no restraints put on me,” he remarked. This platform allows him to freely communicate the Gospel and express his faith without reservation.

However, when “The Chosen” entered the conversation, Baucham was quick to express his position. “That’s another deal, you asked me about my line,” he asserted, clearly stating that he chooses restraint when it comes to this show.

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When questioned further about the reason behind his decision, Baucham referenced the Second Commandment, invoking Exodus 20:4, which admonishes, “You shall not make for yourself any graven idol, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water below the earth.”

“The Chosen,” a groundbreaking series that soared in its debut on the CW Network, has achieved mainstream recognition as the first multi-season show about the life of Jesus Christ. Originating as a crowdfunding project in 2019, it has since reached over 500 million viewers and expanded its global presence through a distribution partnership with Lionsgate and the CW.

As a result of these discussions and controversies, “The Chosen” has become a significant focal point within the Christian community. It has fueled theological debates within the Christian community, particularly concerning the portrayal of Jesus in media.

For individuals like Baucham, whose spiritual convictions guide their interactions with cultural phenomena, “The Chosen” presents a challenging discussion of faith, media and portrayal. As the series continues to capture hearts and minds worldwide, it ignites ongoing dialogues about the impact of faith, art and reverence in a dynamic cultural landscape.

Wherever one takes up position on media portrayals of Jesus and other biblical accounts, the first place to turn for answers is the Bible. Allow the Holy Spirit to be the guide on which programs are watched, and which ones are not. For as many Christians are in the world today, so too will there be many different opinions on issues such as “The Chosen.” The Word of God is unchanging, and no matter the question one has about life, the Scriptures will always lead back to what is true and what is good. {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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