
Caught on Tape: New Planned Parenthood Cover Ups


Audio recordings from conversations with 813 Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation clinics have been release to the public for the first time. These tapes show that 91 percent of the clinics gave advice and tips on how to cover up a pregnancy involving a person portraying a 13-year-old girl who became pregnant by […]

Gospel Music Award Nominees Announced


The songwriter award nominees have been announced for next week’s 42nd Annual Gospel Music Association (GMA) Dove Awards. Chris August, Gerald Crabb, Jason Ingram, Joel Lindsey and Wayne Haun received Songwriter of the Year nods. Ingram now has 12 Dove nominations—the most anyone has received in one awards season, GMA said. The winners will be

Few Churches Allow Members to Tithe Online


A recent LifeWay Research study revealed that 14 percent of churches allow their members to give online. The larger the church the more likely congregants have the option of e-giving—from 55 percent of churches with average worship attendance of 500 to as low as four percent for churches with fewer than 50 attendees. Scott McConnell,

Crucifixtion Nails From Jesus’ Cross Discovered


Two of the nails used to crucify Jesus have been discovered in a 2,000-year-old tomb, according to a new film. The film, ‘The Nails of the Cross’ by Simcha Jacobovici, follows three years of research during which he presents his assertions-some based on empirical data, others requiring much imagination and a leap of faith. He

‘Soul Surfer’ Big Hit at Box Office


Soul Surfer—the inspirational life story of surfer Bethany Hamilton, the Christian teen who had her left arm bitten off by a tiger shark—took fourth place in its debut weekend, grossing an estimated $11.1 million from 2,214 theaters, according to Heavily marketed to the faith-based community, the movie—distributed by Sony Pictures’ TriStar label and marketed

Christian Publishers Turn Attention to E-Books


Publishers need to “e-publish or perish,” according to international book partners James Elwell and Ellen Banks Elwell. The Tyndale House Publishers couple—he director of international publishing, she international publishing assistant—believes that for readers, “this is the best time in history” with so many choices of media type. But “for publishers, it’s a time of big

Former Punk Rocker-Turned Pastor Calls ‘Love Wins’ Dangerous


What happens after death? Throughout life most individuals entertain the notion of heaven, hell, and who goes where. Philosophers and priests, atheists and agnostics endlessly offer theories and argue the merits of each. Since answers unavoidably stir up a range of emotions and disagreements, this subject must be approached with caution, sincerity, and civility. This

Sci-Fi Friendly Church Invites Superheroes


I have always been engrossed by fantasy. I don’t just watch and read sci-fi and fantasy books, films, comics and television programs; I analyse them and theologise about them. My library is full of books with titles like Holy Superheroes! Exploring the Sacred in Comics, Graphic Novels and Film. I’ve even had a chapter on


Rebecca St. James Gets Her Praise On with New Album


After spending the last couple of years pursuing an acting career, Rebecca St. James returns to music this month with the release of I Will Praise You on Beach Street Records. She discusses her new music, her acting career and her fiance. It’s 20 years since your first release, in Australia; what do you think


Apple/Free Speech: Iceberg Ahead


Last week, Apple Inc. once again shut down an app from its popular iTunes App Store because it promoted Bible-based ideas. This time the app that was removed belonged to Exodus International, a well-established Christian ministry that offers “freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ.” Pro-gay groups had flooded Apple with protest petitions—reputedly

‘Magician’s Nephew’ Set for Fourth ‘Narnia’ movie


Despite the disappointing box-office tally of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Walden Media is looking to produce the fourth film in the franchise based on C.S. Lewis’ beloved children’s fantasy novels. “We are starting to talk to (20th Century Fox) and the C.S. Lewis estate now about The Magician’s Nephew

Just Pray No!


After teaching junior high school in New York City for decades, Steven Sherman was losing hope for his students amid the drug-related violence that plagued Manhattan. Then he read a news article about an 11-year-old boy who refused to smoke crack with the neighborhood bully. The bully hit him in the head with a shovel, dragged

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