
Barna Group: Families Want Churches to Address Technology


Many adults and teens would like to receive guidance from their churches on media and technology, a Barna Group study revealed. The problem is, most of them aren’t getting any. The study shows that most parents and tweens/teens (children ages 11 to 17) expect churches to address technology, but “most families are not getting any

God Save America from Movies Like ‘The Hangover Part II’!


Family and child advocate Dr. Ted Baehr, founder and publisher of Movieguide: The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment, criticized Warner Bros. for trying to market the new R-rated comedy, “The Hangover Part II,” to teenagers and young adults. The Hollywood Reporter reported today that Warner Bros. executives are hoping that the new movie, which

Americans Divided on Abortion Viewpoint


In a nation that murders more than a million babies a year, a new Gallup poll indicates that Americans are divided on whether to allow abortions. While many accept women who decide to have abortions, a majority believes the procedure is morally wrong. A disturbing Gallup poll released Monday reveals that for the first time

Football Celeb Pushes Christian Clothing During Lockout


While most sports fans recognize Mark Clayton as a wide receiver for the St. Louis Rams, another community recognizes Clayton as founder and CEO of, a hip apparel brand with Christian messages. During this NFL lockout, Clayton is busy furthering the brand he founded in 2010, with the goal of finding a place where

Study Proves Stinkin’ Thinking Makes You Unhappy


People who look at the past through rose-tinted glasses are happier than those who focus on negative past experiences and regrets, according to a new study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. The study helps explain why personality has such a strong influence on a person’s happiness. The findings suggest that persons with

David Wilkerson: Living a Dream—Leaving a Legacy


I was 20 years old and a student at North Central Bible College (Now North Central University) in Minneapolis, Minnesota when the entire direction of my prayer life was profoundly shaken and transformed through my first encounter with David Wilkerson. He had come to speak at the Minneapolis Gospel Tabernacle and it was there that

AG Discusses David Wilkerson’s Sudden Passing


Reverend David Wilkerson, founder of Teen Challenge, World Challenge Ministries and Times Square Church in New York, was killed the afternoon of Wednesday, April 27, in a car accident in Tyler, Texas. Sources have reported that Wilkerson, 79, was traveling east on U.S. 175 when he was killed in a head-on collision with a tractor-trailer.

Retailers Choice Awards 2011 Winners Announced


Christian retailers across the country have chosen the winning products in the 11th annual Retailers Choice Awards, sponsored by Christian Retailing magazine. Among a record 350-plus nominations in 39 categories, 41 winners were voted as best of the year. Tyndale House Publishers and Thomas Nelson tied for the most wins, with eight each. Tyndale had

Book Suggests God Wears Sneakers


If the Message translation of the Bible isn’t modern enough for you, check out God Wears Sneakers. No, it’s not a new translation of the Bible, per se. In fact, the author uses the King James Version of the Bible with its centuries old language. But author Judith Webster works to help readers with modern


YouVersion Organizes KJV Bible Flash Mob


What’s 400 years old and red in some places? The King James Version of the Bible. Now, the creators of YouVersion, a digital version of the Bible, are organizing a flash mob around the King James Version of the Good Book to celebrate its 400th anniversary—and it may be read all over. Indeed, if YouVersion


OMG: Will Jesus Return via Facebook?


Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter might play a significant role in the second coming of Christ, evangelist Rev. Franklin Graham says. “The Bible says that every eye is going to see [the second coming],” Graham told “This Week” anchor Christiane Amanpour. “How is the whole world going to see [Jesus Christ] all

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