

Disturbing 911 Call Dramatically Confirms Abortion Dangers


There’s nothing like the sound of a person’s voice to tell a deeper story. That’s why a newly obtained recording of a 911 call is such a striking example of the dangers of abortion.

Operaton Rescue just released the call, which was placed from the UNM Center for Reproductive Health. The recording ofers dramatic audio of a 35-year old woman “crashing” after being given “conscious sedation” during an abortion procedure on Feb. 15. In the audio, you can hear voices calling the patient’s name and urging her to breathe as she groans and gasps for air.

“We have a patient who is crashing right now,” the caller told the dispatcher. At the dispatcher’s request, the call was transferred to the abortion room where another clinic worker described the patient as “grayish” in color. Once the call was transferred, the disturbing sounds of the patient’s suffering and struggling for life became clearly evident.

The fate of the woman is unknown.

David Tyree

NFL Pro Bowler David Tyree Doesn’t Regret Gay Marriage Stance


Former New York Giant David Tyree has been under intense media scrutiny for some gutsy statements he made about gay marrriage in an online video produced for the National Organization for Marriage.

Tyree says he recorded the video because he opposes the notion of gay marriage and wants to voice his opinion.

In the video, the former Pro Bowler warned that anarchy could result in the U.S. if homosexuals are legally allowed to marry. He also said gay couples can’t successfully raise a child.


Surprise Flash Mobs Highlight Happy (Traditional) Marriages


Surprise flash mobs. That’s one strategy to demonstrate a committment to traditional marriage—and that’s just what Worldwide Marriage Encounter couples from across North America are doing in the month of July.

“It is our hope that this flash mob activity is another way to place a positive emphasis on couples committed to marriage,” explain Jose and Marilyn Garcia and Mitch Walters, the North American Ecclesial Team for WWME. “This reach out effort demonstrates that marriages can last and be happy. It is the perfect time to capitalize on a phenomena that is spreading across North America.”


EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Michael Youssef Blames Church for Gay Marriage Laws


In the wake of New York passing a gay marriage bill last Friday, there are many voices crying out.

Some in the secular world—and even in the church—are celebrating. Others, like Dr. Michael Youssef, are weeping.

Although many are blaming Republicans, Youssef is pointing a bold finger directly at the church of Jesus Christ. As he sees it, the church allowed this abomination to rise up and the church is the only body on earth working to restore God’s righteousness to the land.

Charisma News caught up with Youssef, founder and president of Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef, a worldwide television ministry, and senior pastor of The Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, to discuss his thoughts on the gay marriage campaigns across the country and how the church should respond now.


New Documentary Addresses Christian Singleness


Single? Then you might be interested in a new documentary film about people just like you. Single Creek aims to give a voice to singles who have never married, divorcees and widows, single parents and even those who have exited homosexual lifestyles—and it’s getting the attention of church leaders, TV networks and journalists. “If I


EXCLUSIVE: Matthew Hagee Shares Lessons From Dad


Matthew Hagee will never forget some of the life lessons his dad taught him. The son of global evangelist John Hagee, he serves as the executive pastor of the 20,000-member Cornerstone Church his father founded in San Antonio. The elder Hagee launched the church more than three decades ago, growing it into one of the

Duggar Family Partners with Bible Translators


The Duggar family, featured on TLC’s hit reality TV show 19 Kids and Counting, has started a new partnership with the fastest-growing Bible translation organization in the world. The Seed Company, founded by Wycliffe Bible Translators, announced Wednesday the partnership with the family, in which they will work together to teach families and children the story of the Bible with the goal of spreading God’s word around the world.

“We feel extremely blessed to partner with the Duggar family in our shared mission of spreading God’s word,†says Roy Peterson, president and CEO of The Seed Company.

As part of the partnership, the Duggar family’s website includes a callout to The Seed Company’s KidsDiscover program.


Study: Majority of Americans Favor Traditional Marriage


AP Photo As the tense topic of gay marriage continues to circulate the country, a new study shows that 62 percent of Americans believe “marriage should be defined only as a union between one man and one woman.” Fifty-three percent “strongly agree.” The scientific survey, which polled 1,500 adults between May 16 and May 19,


Francis Chan Takes on Rob Bell


Former pastor and author Francis Chan has jumped into the debate on heaven, hell and eternal punishment with book titled Erasing Hell: What God Said About Eternity and the Things We’ve Made Up to be released in July. Although he doesn’t directly mention Rob Bell’s controversial book, Love Wins, in a YouTube video discussing the

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How to Interpret Dreams and Visions


Is God speaking to you in the night? Here’s how you can make sense of these often cryptic messages. Many people who have experienced a spiritual dream may write off the event as some type of weird result of eating too much pizza before retiring for the night. Some believers even have the attitude, “Well,


Christian Songwriter Matthew West Sings Life Stories


When Matthew West was 13 years old, he came across a Billy Graham Crusade on television. Being a preacher’s son, he had his share of church services, and typically would change the channel. But something was different this time. “My mom, who’s an amazing woman of God, came downstairs to the family room where I


‘Soul Surfer’ Coming to DVD


Soul Surfer, the biopic telling of teen Bethany Hamilton’s remarkable return to surfing after losing an arm in a shark attack, is to release on DVD Aug. 2. The 106-minute, PG-rated drama features AnnaSophia Robb as Hamilton with Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt as her parents. With singer Carrie Underwood making her acting debut in

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