
2020 Spirit Supernatural Pat robertson healing

Pat Robertson: How God Miraculously Healed My Granddaughter of Viral Meningitis


When my daughter Elizabeth was growing up, she developed a remarkable affinity for spiritual things. As Elizabeth was looking for a potential college, she was impressed with Southern Methodist University (SMU), located in the Highland Park area of Dallas, Texas. She enrolled as a freshman, lived in the university dormitory, later joined the Pi Phi […]

2020 07 Pat Robertson Trump rebuke

Pat Robertson: How I Got Filled With Holy Spirit


While I was at Biblical Seminary, I joined a fledgling group called Christian Soldiers, which maintained a telephone ministry in a one-room office in midtown Manhattan. Through Christian Soldiers, I met Harald Bredesen, a Lutheran minister and one of the most unique people I had ever met. He was absolutely fearless in witnessing for the

2020 07 room waiting

Why This One Simple Thing May Be Your Best Gift for a Hurting Friend


Our world is facing a collection of multiplied trials. Through the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve lost much of what makes our world normal. Many have lost jobs. Homes. Friends. Family members. But Pastor Patrick Schwenk says that although believers may not have 1-2-3 answers for these and other problems, we have much more to offer. Diagnosed

2020 07 temptation flesh

Former Lesbian: Kill Your Flesh or Your Flesh Will Kill You


I was ministering to a young woman who wanted to follow the tug of God on her life. The Holy Spirit was convicting her of her homosexual lifestyle and like many others, she struggled to walk away from the comfort zone she had known for so long. She could sense that on the other side

2020 07 high ground

Repairing the Breach: A Time of Recompense and Reclamation


“Those from among you shall rebuild the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called, the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Paths in which to Dwell” (Isa. 58:12). Recently in one of our worship nights, the Spirit of the Lord spoke through the body

2020 07 prayer Donadio

How You Can Pray Change Into Unexpected Places


“Prayer is the best possible therapy you can have.” Sue Schlesman is a Christian author, speaker, English teacher and pastor’s wife with a B.A. in creative writing and a master’s in theology and culture. As she shares about her insightful book, Soulspeak: Praying Change Into Unexpected Places, and a traumatic personal experience, you will be

2020 07 Robby Dawkins

Robby Dawkins Teaches You to Do What Jesus Did


I am committed to living a supernatural lifestyle of power. There is no better way to live than to walk in the power, love and fruit of the Holy Spirit. With a team of people in the Virginia Beach, Virginia, area, we pray at hospitals and go in public prophesying over baristas, waiters and pretty

2020 07 Jen hatmaker

What Jen Hatmaker Got Right and Wrong About Her Daughter’s Lesbian Identity


Jen Hatmaker recently celebrated her daughter’s lesbian identity, saying, “I’m so glad you’re gay.” Many say that we cannot take a position on homosexuality because all positions will hurt someone. Here’s my question: “Are those who defend homosexuality, or who say nothing, truly loving the homosexual, or are they simply seeking to avoid conflict?” If

2020 07 racism pandemic

The Real Reason So Many Americans Are Expressing Concern About Racism


Why are so many Americans now expressing such deep concerns about racism? Why are they so angered about police brutality? Why are they so willing to ask larger questions about justice and equity? Is it because they finally “get it,” that they now understand what Black Americans have been saying for years? In some cases,

2020 07 Reuters Zachary Levi

Zachary Levi to Star In Erwin Brothers’ Kurt Warner Biopic


Zachary Levi will star as the former NFL two-time MVP and Hall of Fame quarterback Kurt Warner in the upcoming biopic American Underdog: The Kurt Warner Story. Jon and Andy Erwin are directing and producing the movie under their Kingdom Story Company alongside Mark Ciardi and Kevin Downes. Production is scheduled to start later this

2020 07 stress reliever

How You Can Discover the Ultimate Stress Reliever


It’s interesting to me that in this season, with all that is happening, there’s been a lot of stress and frustration, anger and opinions and processing of thoughts that we all have to struggle and deal with. I definitely need a stress releaser, a stress reliever. I need someone who takes that stress off of

2020 Spirit Supernatural Angels breakthrough

Why Christians Are Looking for Supernatural Leaders to Follow


In a busy, fast-moving culture where it’s easy to get caught up in the public pressure of leadership, we often overlook the value of our private example. What takes place in private is simply an overflow into our success in the public. If it’s not, eventually it will catch up. People from all walks of

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