MrBeast Goes Beast Mode on Transphobes

2023 4 Idleman beast mode

MrBeast is a famous YouTuber whose videos focus primarily on expensive stunts and money giveaways. His channel has over 146 million subscribers, most of them teenagers. Because of this, he has a huge platform to influence the younger generations.

MrBeast recently defended his video collaborator, Chris Tyson, from intense backlash after news broke that Chris has received hormone replacement therapy. MrBeast tweeted, “This is getting absurd. Chris isn’t my ‘nightmare’ he’s my ‘expletive’ friend and things are fine. All this transphobia is starting to ‘expletive.'”

Emptiness Will Return

To be sure, we need a lot more compassion in the Christian community, but we can’t overlook the truth in the hope of not offending.

Chris called his hormone replacement treatment “life-saving.” Perhaps it took away the emptiness for a short season (change often does), but eventually the emptiness will return because without obeying God’s Word, we will never find peace. Just ask the Ex-Navy SEAL who eventually de-transitioned because he found true hope and genuine peace in turning to his Creator.

How Did We Get Here?

Why are we called “phobes” when we simply want to be helpful? We are not fearful, we are full of hope. We are not “unloving”; it’s love that commands us to speak the truth.

Is it possible to love, support and encourage people without supporting their sin? Yes, it is absolutely possible. Speaking the truth in love is designed to spark conviction leading to repentance (where true hope is found).

The truth invites dialogue; error runs from it. This is why one side resorts to name-calling and belittling; they can’t overcome the truth so they try to murder the messenger. Words are weapons; they can convict the heart or coddle the sinner. The enemy of our soul doesn’t want us to be lovingly challenged and possibly forever changed.

Calling Evil Good

When humanity is given over to depravity (as we so often see today), all hell breaks loose. How else can we explain men dressing provocatively and dancing in front of children—an all too common occurrence today? This is perversion at the highest level. The Bible says, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isa. 5:20).

MrBeast seems upset that others would dare to challenge him. Pride prevents people from repenting. And this is also why so many people who have transitioned are angry, confused and hurt: Validate my decision! Tolerate my choice! Shut your mouth!” or else!

When All Else Fails

My prayer is that MrBeast returns to his Christian roots and that his video collaborator Chris understands that he is loved by March CM CoverGod. He, like all of us caught in sin, must repent and trust Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to cleanse us from ALL sin. Jesus Christ is the only hope for this hopeless world, the only solution for life’s problems, and the only way to truly know God.

Helpful Resource: Here is a recent podcast, ‘4 Things to Tell Parents of LGBTQ Kids,’ that may help many readers navigate the stormy waters we now find ourselves in. {eoa}

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Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Southern California. More can be found at, and free downloads of his books are available at Visit him on Facebook and subscribe to his new podcast.

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