Mike Lindell at ‘The Return’: ‘The President Sleeps on a MyPillow’

2020 09 Lindell Mike

Mike Lindell, know colloquially as “the MyPillow man” is a breath of fresh air in a time where so much of the news, atmosphere and attitude of many are so far from encouraging and blessing. In an interview at “The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance,” the founder and CEO of My Pillow Inc. shared a national security secret: “The president sleeps on a MyPillow.”

Lindell is also a new believer, saying, “I really came to my faith recently—it was in February of 2017 that I finally came to Christ. This is all new to me, although I always wore a cross around my neck, hoping it would help me.” His life stories have recently been put into a book titled What Are the Odds, which comes from his continuing amazement that a self-described “coke addict” could not only be delivered of his habit but also become a follower of Jesus Christ. He recently announced that a $25 donation to “The Return” would carry with it a free copy of his book. And with “The Return” came the news of his new national Lindell Recovery Network.

Lindell is the real-life Energizer Bunny, a bundle of joy, excitement and hope, exuding the simple astonishment of newfound faith and the joy of the miracle of salvation, forgiveness and a new life.

“One day, my crack dealer cut me off,” Lindell says. “I went all over town, and nobody would sell me crack. That was the beginning of a journey that ended up with my losing my family and seemingly everything, but ultimately bringing me to Christ.”

Lindell is one of a new generation of believers who have not grown up with religion, and much like the many who came to Christ during the Jesus Movement of a generation ago, he exudes the excitement of a newfound faith with all its blessings as a challenge to those whose faith has in many ways become routine.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, so that no one should boast” (Eph. 2:8-9).

Bestselling author of God, Trump and COVID-19 Stephen Strang says, “God is sovereign and uses whom He wants, with or without the approval of the most pious or legalistic among us.”

“I am excited about the future,” says Lindell. “The best is yet to come,” reflecting his view that God will do a miracle, and the 59 million believers who did not vote in 2016, will do so in answer to the prayers of many, and the mighty miracle of restoring America to her biblical foundations will continue. In the meantime, Lindell will do his part in contributing to the sleep of the White House. {eoa}

Amir George is the author of Liberating Iraq and directs The World Helpline at theworldhelpline.org.

People Needed: Capitol Hill Daily Prayer 7:30 a.m./12 p.m., Hart Senate Office Building, Constitution Ave./Supreme Court entrance.

Even if you can’t come, please pause to pray at 7:30/12 and let us know at [email protected].

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