Mario Murillo: ‘Trump Isn’t Going to Save America”

2023 3 Donald Trump Smiling Pointing Flag Background Reuters

Donald Trump Smiling Pointing Flag Background ReutersAn evangelist and political commentator, Mario Murillo has a message for a part of the church whom he says may have put too much stock into one former President Donald Trump to be a savior for America.

Murillo says Trump is a good man and did a great deal of good for the country between 2017 and 2021. But what many Christians need to understand, Murillo says, is that Trump is human, and that is he not the end-all, be-all of existence for America, especially when it comes time to elect another president in November 2024.

Trump is one of the leading Republican candidates heading into election season next year.

“Trump isn’t going to save America,” Murillo told Charisma News’ John Matarazzo during the recent Fire and Glory Conference in Ocala, Florida. “Here’s the thing that I think is the most important element in all of this is that we have to recognize of the humanity of Trump, who is going to have an issue with his strong support for gay rights, and that’s not going to wash with the church.

“He has also had strong support for the vaccine, which has put people off. They are starting to realize he is a man; he is human. No matter who we get enamored with, there is going to be something we don’t like about him.

“So, he’s called Cyrus, right? We call him King Cyrus. He’s the same as the king in the Old Testament that said to Israel, ‘Go back to your homeland and rebuild the temple.’ But if you read that, and you say Trump is like Cyrus, you have to come to one conclusion. Cyrus only helped Israel for a very short period of time, then his influence just ended.”

However, in his four-year tenure as president, Donald Trump did some very good things for the kingdom, Murillo says.

“He opened the door for the church,” Murillo says. “He’s provided an interference from the persecution of the church—for the right church—not the woke church that has compromised its leadership. But he’s opened the door for the people who truly understand revival to stand up, seize the moment, go into these mountains of influence and save the culture.”

March CM CoverWhether or not Trump will be re-elected to the nation’s highest office for four more years—as some predicted he would have eight years in office—remains to be seen. Whether or not he will even be the Republican candidate also remains to be seen.

But Murillo says that Trump’s quest of Making America Great Again continues to be a noble idea.

“I think Donald Trump represents the audacity of the kind of moguls that built America; the Henry Fords and those people,” Murillo says. “And so people feel nostalgia for him. But what I don’t think that people realize is that God is turning that into a hunger for Christ.” {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor for Charisma Media.

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