Lessons Learned In 2022 With The Demon Slayer Podcast

2023 1 Lessons Learned

Read time: 4 minutes 50 seconds

“The beauty of deliverance is, the only One that gets the glory for it is God.”

True words from the apostolic group on the Demon Slayer Podcast.

The group featuring Isaiah Saldivar, Greg Lock, Alexander Pagani, Daniel Adams and Mike Signorelli covered several topics they felt the Lord put on their heart to start off 2023. From lessons they learned in 2022, what they believe is on the horizon in 2023 and what the Lord is doing right now in the deliverance revival taking place in America.

Pagani book imageKicking off the in-depth discussion of what they have learned over the past year, Alexander Pagani reveals he was brought out of his digital shell and get back in the streets in the war against Satan.

“The Lord kind of broke me out of the deliverance isolation that I was kind of living in, in the sense of just spearheading what we’re doing in New York City and the Bronx,” Pagani explained. “It was beautiful to see God cross pollinate [ministries].”

Pagani shared how witnessing first-hand some of the other ministries going on re-lit the fire in his heart to take the fight to the enemy and see God’s deliverance wash over those in need.

“To be able to connect, and not only that, and see what all of you, what God is doing in all of your ministries and what you bring to the forefront of whatever God has anointed you to do, and cross pollinate. Daniel [Adams] put the fight back in me.”

Focusing on the need to get out from behind a desk, which is useful, Pagani highlighted how none of us are alone in this fight. Christians form a spiritual army for the Lord and teamwork, community and relationships are a necessary part of this battle.

“We can get caught up behind a computer screen, and just stay online and do teaching and preaching and revelating…it stirred a fire in me!” Pagani declared.

“The whole idea of cross-pollination and just being able to just allow the Lord to loosen me up and say ‘Connect with others, you’re not the only one out here Elijah, you’re not the only one in the cave. I have 7,000 others that have my back, get together’ and I realize we can do a lot more damage when we are connected, and all headed in the same direction.”

People often say leadership is lonely, and it can be. But leaders are not meant to hang out in the back away from the fight. They are meant to lead. To spur the warriors into battle and win the day over the enemy.

“So for me, it was cross pollination and breaking me out of this isolated mindset, where I was just in my cave just doing deliverance and helping people to get set free,” Pagani concluded. “And I got stirred up to just get back into the fight, roll up my sleeves and help get the captives free. And not just be stuck behind a camera and a keyboard which is great teaching about deliverance but throwing myself back into the fight and actually doing deliverance again while teaching it.”

Mike Signorelli was next to pick up the torch and explained that 2022 was a year of reset and aligning.

“2022 for me, was like the kingdom was coming into alignment. Now this is looking like biblical Christianity, not American Christianity…I don’t want to be the guy that dies and gets to heaven, and I’m embarrassed to sit next to the apostle Paul because I knew I was soft, and I was weak. I want to be the guy getting high fives from the apostles walking into heaven.”

With this re-alignment, Signorelli pointed back to the One who enables all of this to happen: the Holy Spirit.

“I feel like a lot of us really got into the realm of exploits,” Signorelli said. “You can preach out of a gift…there is something about deliverance that you need the Holy Spirit, there is something about prophecy, you need the Holy Spirit.

“To me, the kingdom just started coming into alignment in such a healthy way,” he concluded.

Isaiah Saldivar, never one to shy away from calling out the truth, stepped up to the mic and shed light on a disease that is infecting the body of Christ: laziness.

“The kingdom of God, advancing it, takes work. For some reason there is this idea, there is such a laziness in the body of Christ, there is this idea that it is easy to serve God,” Saldivar shared. “It doesn’t take work; it doesn’t take effort…I’m realizing its an extreme amount of energy, effort [and] work to advance the kingdom of God, to the level that God wants us to.”

Then speaking to the body of Christ, Saldivar challenged them to step up, if they want to level up in Christ.

“Some of us right now are looking back at 2022 and saying ‘I didn’t see God do anything! I didn’t really see God move, I don’t feel like I’ve advanced or levelled up.’ But I would question how much work you’ve put in. Cause you’re only going to get out what you put in,” Saldivar said.

Concluding his piece, Saldivar explained what God had said to his heart, and shared a prophetic word to those who needed to hear it as well.

“God was like, ‘Isaiah, just keep showing up.’ This is a prophetic word for somebody, ‘just keep showing up, just be faithful.’ When my flesh is weak, my spirit is willing. There is a yes in me, even when I don’t feel it, there is a yes in me.” [eoa]

Note: This is the first of two pieces for this article.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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