Jentezen Franklin’s End-Times Series Becomes 4-Night Revival With Evangelist Perry Stone

Perry Stone

There is no question: Biblical prophecy is accelerating at an incredible pace.

Look no further than Israel and the Word of God for proof that the words of Jesus are coming to fruition before our very eyes.

Another proof of God’s Spirit moving in the world today is how He took control of Pastor Jentezen Franklin’s “Signs of the Times” series on the night evangelist Perry Stone was speaking.

Services have been extended to continue Monday, Oct. 23, through Wednesday, Oct. 25.

God’s timing is always perfect, and with the days we are living in, a fresh move of the Spirit is not only desperately desired, but needed as well.

This is precisely what happened at Free Chapel in Gainesville, Georgia, on Sunday night as Stone was teaching on Satan’s attempts to stop biblical prophecy from coming to fruition.

“How does the devil know [according to Revelation 12:12], how does the enemy know his time is running out?” Stone asks. “And the answer is: When he sees things happening in Israel.”

This series on biblical prophecy, the words of Jesus and the importance of Israel to all Christians was planned far in advance of the Israel-Hamas War taking place in Israel today.

God knows the times are quickening, that He is the controller of time and space, and that the prophecies of Jesus are coming to fruition.

In Matthew 24:5-8 Jesus warns His disciples what the world will look like before His return:

“For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled. For all these things must happen, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines, epidemics, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”

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These occurrences have all taken place throughout history, but now they are all happening at the same time across the globe, and Israel is the world’s main focus.

Many have seen the change in the spiritual climate of the world and are flocking for answers. This led to the Lord stirring the hearts of Franklin and Stone to continue the services for three more nights in Gainesville.

“This does not happen like this, now in modern times,” says Stone. “It shows me that the harvest is really ready, and it shows me that in this part of Georgia, and it’s not just here it’s all over, there’s a hunger.

“Something is happening … I saw 9/11; I saw COVID; nothing moved me, but the war [in Israel] it’s like God hit me in my belly, ‘You better pay attention to this.’ I just want to tell you all something: We have just entered into … something that I feel in my spirit is leading us to really the last days, and it is what’s happening in Israel,” shares Stone.

As people see the growing evil in the world, Christian and non-Christian alike, sides will be chosen and lines will be drawn.

Many, including those who claim to be Christian, are choosing the side that supports child mutilation, hates Israel and despises the morality of God.

Others are seeing this evil and know in their spirits that something is not right with it. They searching for another answer. This is evident as the altar call each night at Free Chapel is overflowing with people offering repentant hearts to the Lord.

As Franklin and Stone say, the answer is Jesus, and He is coming back soon. That is why it is imperative for His people to keep a watch out for Him, because He is coming like a thief in the night. {eoa}

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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