Is There a Direct Correlation Between Racism and Planned Parenthood?

2020 Life Culture Planned parenthood

According to Valerie Richardson in The Washington Times on Sunday, July 5, “pro-lifers have long accused Planned Parenthood of racism.” But recently, more than 350 “current and former staffers” of the giant “health” organization in the greater New York City area, as well as more than 750 donors, supporters and volunteers, signed a critical June 18 open letter to the New York entity.

The “woke” letter from “Save PPGNY” revealed a long history of racial concerns, including that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was “a racist white woman” and that the organization suffers from “institutional racism” and is “steeped in white supremacy.”

Most Americans—red, brown, yellow, black or white—are unaware of the group’s controversial founder. Margaret Sanger’s 1939 racist Negro Project was her eugenics plan for Black Americans and others she and her fellow eugenics enthusiasts deemed “unfit to reproduce.”

These “sophisticated” white supremacists sought to contain the “inferior races” through segregation, sterilization, birth control and abortion. It should not be surprising that about the same time Hitler had eugenics studies and horrible experiments—often at Jewish concentration camps—carried out as he dealt with “the Jewish problem,” in search for the development of his goal of a German “master race.”

Modern pro-life advocates have released undercover videos showing that some Planned Parenthood leaders and late-term abortion centers have even arranged to sell baby body parts as part of their business plan. Some of these brave, nonviolent, pro-life advocates have been arrested, fined and sentenced to prison for exposing these alarming practices! These judicial decisions are currently under review or appeal and need our prayers.

Sadly, one of Planned Parenthood key clinics in Los Angeles County is located just blocks from the church my family and I attend, in the center of LA’s San Fernando Valley. Planned Parenthood is strategically located there in order to prey upon the Latino and African American communities that surround our church campus.

Abortion activists argue for absolute individual autonomy. Planned Parenthood’s former president, Cecile Richards, repeatedly told audiences that she and women around the country are “so sick of men telling us what to do with our bodies.” No one has a right, she and her “women’s rights warriors” insist, to tell them what to do with their own bodies; or with what or who is growing inside those bodies.

This tyranny of the individual callously ignores even the basic assumptions for human rights:

  1. If it is growing inside the womb, it is alive.
  2. If it is alive, it must be a human life.
  3. If it is a human life, it is precious, valuable and worthy of protection, like you and I are!

The radical leftist ideologies in the Democratic party and their presumptive 2020 presidential nominee, Joe Biden, have publicly celebrated abortions as good for both women and society, since the last presidential cycle. They call for you and me, as taxpayers, to pay for their awful choices of abortion—including “partial-birth abortions”—barbarously bringing most of a fully developed, unborn, human baby from the womb, before cruelly killing it.

Sadly, unrestricted abortion is now considered by most Democrats as a right, at any time up to live birth (or even afterward, if it survives the abortive efforts). It is a key factor in the Democrat party’s agenda. As a matter of fact, Tom Perez, the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, has declared that there is no place in their party for pro-life members or candidates.

While it is recognized that the Supreme Court made it legal in 1973, abortion is a private, personal choice and American taxpayers should not be forced to pay for those life-ending choices, which many bipartisan believe to be immoral acts of infanticide.

“Abortion always ends in the killing of an innocent human being,” says John Piper.

Polls show that a wide majority (63%) of Americans say they oppose taxpayer funding of abortion. This includes nearly half (45%) of pro-choice Americans! Racial opposition includes significant percentages of African Americans (65%) and Hispanic Americans (61%).

This issue involves more than infanticide itself. It is a last days” manifestation of a highly sensual society, many sinful lifestyles and unbridled sexual immorality—of which we are warned in Scripture.

Our Creator has formed each human being in His own image and abhors abortion. He holds those accountable who wantonly take the innocent blood of our unborn sons and daughters. For Blacks in America, abortion is a genocidal, life-and-death matter.

Dr. Alveda King, a niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., has said, “Under the veil of deceit and deception, 60-plus million babies have not been born because they were aborted legally since ’73. One-third of that population belonged to the African American community.”

Given that blacks make up only 13% of the U.S. population, this is a frightening and telling number!’s founder, Pastor Clenard Childress Jr. has said, “The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.”

Planned Parenthood’s strategic placement of its abortion mills in minority neighborhoods has contributed to the drastically declining birth rates of Blacks. Currently, their replacement fertility rate is so low that experts fear they may not sustain their own race, in this land of the free.

From the Bible’s point of view, there is only one race—the human race.

It is time for all people, of all ethnicities to stand up for life from conception to the grave and peacefully stand against infanticide, suicide and genocide. {eoa}

Gary Curtis served in full-time ministry for 50 years, the last 27 years of which he was part of the pastoral staff of The Church on The Way, the Van Nuys’ California Foursquare church. Now retired, Gary continues to write a weekly blog at and frequent articles for digital and print platforms. Gary and his wife live in Southern California and have two married daughters and five grandchildren.

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