How ‘War Room’ Actor TC Stallings Follows the Holy Spirit’s Leadings

2020 06 TC Stallings

War Room actor TC Stallings declared, “God is the head coach” in an exclusive interview with Movieguide®.

His new documentary, 24 Counter, releases on June 30, 2020, and highlights his past with football and how it relates to his Christian life. Viewers will be able to screen 24 Counter on Stalling’s website.

“[The] Holy Spirit gives us the ability to carry out the plan, [but] God is the head coach, [and] Jesus is the spiritual head coach, and we just run the play. The game is life, and the Bible is a playbook,” said Stallings.

Stallings is perhaps best known for his role in War Room, which won the Epiphany Prize® for Most Inspiring Movie at the 2015 Movieguide® Awards Gala and Report to the Entertainment Industry.

But this role in the Kendrick Brothers’ production was vastly different from Stallings’ initial career path.

According to Stallings’ website, “After stunning football campaigns in both high school and college, T.C. went on to play professionally in the Arena, Europe and Canadian leagues. Following his success in athletics, T.C.’s desires shifted to a career in film and television.”

Stallings said football used to be his main priority until Jesus captivated his heart.

Read the rest of this article at Movieguide®. Find out what God is doing in Hollywood!

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