How the Left Censored This Doctor When She Went on the Offense Against COVID

2021 10 Hydroxychoorquine drugs

I was spending most of my work hours at Rehoboth Medical Center when COVID-19 hit in early 2020. Considering that 15 to 20 percent of our clinic patients are from the Middle East, China, or Japan, we were very concerned about what might happen in the community we served, especially given the alarming reports coming out of China about the virus’s danger.

In March 2020, before people had started dying in any great numbers, I went to the Lord to find out what was going on. He gave me a dream. In it I saw light rays like missiles being released from the heavenlies, hitting people on earth and killing them. As I stood watching, a contraption from the heavens crashed and killed many people. The dream alerted me to what was ahead, and I preached a message calling everyone to pray. To be honest, most who heard the message did not take me seriously, but for my part, I knew that COVID-19 was a very real demonic attack on humanity. My colleagues and church members mostly thought I was being overly intense at that time. Because I knew it would be serious, my clinic purchased all the personal protection equipment we thought we would need: Tyvek suits, N95 masks, surgical masks, face shields, booties to go over our shoes, and other things.

How I Began Using Hydroxychloroquine to Defeat COVID-19

One day early on, a friend of mine who is a pharmacist called to tell me they were using hydroxychloroquine in treatment of COVID-19. There was information coming out of China, Europe, and other locations that this treatment was very effective. That was exciting news to me because I went to school in West Africa, where we were accustomed to using all these different quinolines. We use hydroxychloroquine, mefloquine, nivaquine, and others in that family of medicines. I did a little bit of research and found an article published in Virology Journal in 2005 that said chloroquine was a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-1. This was great news, and I immediately started using hydroxychloroquine for COVID patients coming into my clinic. Initially I basically used the malaria dosage. The results were amazing! When we treated a patient who came in within three days of contracting the disease, the person became better quickly.

One husband and wife, both in their fifties, arrived for treatment. He had been sick for over a week, and his wife even longer than that. We put them on the same regime. The wife became better within forty-eight hours. The husband took about two weeks to get completely well.

I then saw information from the renowned French microbiologist Didier Raoult and the doses he was using, and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko and the doses he was using, so I adjusted my regimen accordingly. Initially, we used mefloquine until hydroxychloroquine became more readily available, and it worked too with great results.

Going On Offense

With all the amazing results we saw with our patients in the clinic, I was excited to share our findings with colleagues on Facebook and in doctor groups I belonged to elsewhere. I told my fellow doctors we were getting tremendous results using hydroxychloroquine with a combination of azithromycin, zinc, and vitamin C. We later added vitamin D. I expected celebration and follow-up questions about our protocols. To my dismay I was attacked instead!

Many stories poured forth of people who had been successfully treated with hydroxychloroquine, but the media and the medical community seemed in lockstep with Fauci in making sure people were not treated. A Michigan lawmaker who said her life was saved with hydroxychloroquine was attacked and censured. It was as if something had taken over the brains of these otherwise sensible doctors. All they could repeat was, “Double-blind study, double-blind study.” It was beyond puzzling to me and many others.

It hit me during that time that this conflict was not about science; it was about controlling people. We were in a diabolical propaganda battle whose ultimate goal was to enslave and rob people of medical freedom, plus all other freedoms. The people opposing us were not just misguided or misinformed—they were practicing evil and getting away with it. It didn’t matter how much we tried to tell people the truth; they would not listen. Studies were coming in from all over the world, more than two hundred of them showing that hydroxychloroquine works. Every one of them was knocked down on social media and other online sites.

Som I told my colleagues, “If you all are going to be Mr. Nice Doctors, you can count me out. This has to stop. You cannot come into a street fight wearing a suit.” I and others decided we would go on the offensive. We would push back on leftist doctors and their misleading propaganda. We would fight back and hit hard. If I was attacked, I tagged others, and we descended on the perpetrator with fury. We shared notes and strategies and became like brothers and sisters in the biggest fight of our careers, and maybe our lives

If on Facebook I saw doctors saying, “Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work,” I pursued them with questions, asking “What’s your problem? Are you trying to kill people? What do you mean it doesn’t work? Have you ever given somebody hydroxychloroquine? What is wrong with you? You know this thing works; you want people to die; are you diabolical? Are you Satan’s child?”

I threw all kinds of words at them. I remember one big-name doctor who wrote an article saying hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work. I went after him until he took down his article. In our exchanges, he said, “I take care of patients. I teach medical students.” I replied, “Just like I would tell medical students: sir, take your eyes off the textbook and look at the patient. When was the last time you saw a patient that couldn’t breathe?” It was one of a number of skirmishes I won by dogged persistence.

By being openly hostile to anyone who opposed hydroxychloroquine, I earned a reputation as an attack dog. But I attacked because every other method was not working.

How could anyone expect us, as doctors seeing patients survive and thrive because of our “controversial” treatment, to be quiet and let people die? COVID doesn’t care whether you are Black or White, Democrat or Republican. Lives and economies have been indiscriminately destroyed because people have rejected knowledge about this virus and its treatment. {eoa}

Excerpted from chapters 5 & 6 of Let America Live! (“China Virus” and “Just Being a Doctor”) by Stella Immanuel, MD (Charisma House 2021).

Stella Immanuel, M.D., is a successful physician with an active practice in Houston as well as the founder of Fire Power Ministry in Katy, Texas. She devotes her life and resources to teaching believers everywhere to identify the sources of spiritual weakness, deception, and defeat to learn strategies of warfare to enable them to get and maintain their freedom.

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