High-Profile Prophets Release Words of Knowledge About COVID-19 and America’s Future

2020 Blogs Prophetic Insight Chuck Pierce photo

With COVID-19 restrictions still intact, several high-profile prophets in the body of Christ recently convened on a videoconference call to release words of knowledge that have recently been imparted to them.

The call included Generals International’s Cindy and Mike Jacobs, Bishop Bill Hamon, Chuck Pierce, James Goll, Dutch Sheets, Will Ford, Becca Greenwood, Rick Ridings, Steven Springer, and apostles Tom and Jane Hamon.

Please watch the video for the entire words of knowledge given. Here are some excerpts from that video call:

Bishop Bill Hamon:

God is going to be expecting us, the church, to give answers and the world is looking to us for answers, not condemnation. That’s what the prophets of old did. I’ve been telling people for weeks now that God told me that those who stand true, strong with faith and courage, and are moving in the Lord that God is going to mark them to declare and magnify the glory of the Lord. We’re going to see God’s glory like never before.

I know the world is listening and the church is listening, and I believe we can be a blessing to the church today. … What the prophets are saying is a little different than what the world’s speculators are saying, gloom and doom.

James Goll:

I had a prophetic dream. I had a blueprint that was handed to me. I unfurled the scroll and it’s a blueprint to build an ark. So, then, I and seven others started to build an ark, and people are getting the word out that an ark of His presence is being built, a replica. So people started coming, and the blueprint began to be multiplied out to scores—hundreds and thousands of people. Many then were building arks of His presence. I woke up out of the dream and imprinted upon my heart was a word, and it said “As it was in the days of Noah.” So, I have been left pondering that particular issue.

As it was in the days of Noah. I had negativity and fear, an aspect I didn’t know I had. I have now identified that as an ungodly belief. As it was in the days of Noah, the ark was for protection, for provision, for preservation. The ark was for His presence, the dove of God, to release the dove, and the ark was for the new promise. As it was in the days of Noah, we’re going into an entire new era of history after the storm. Noah and his family were in the ark for about a year. God gave provision in the storm; He gave protection from the storm; He gave preservation in the storm. The presence of God was released to the world to carry a people from one era to the next.

Chuck Pierce:

I began to look at the timeframe we’re heading into. I started looking at that in August of last year. … We’re in a census time, and by Passover, we’ll be in some plague-like condition. … Passover was linked to an economic shift. In the Old Testament, Egypt had to give back what they had taken from God’s people in that land. So, I thought, are we coming into a greed season or a transfer of wealth season. I began to study that very intently. I said to the Lord, “You have to show me exactly what You are doing.” I began linking our timeframe back to China. … China has been a focus for me since the 1980s.

I started watching China very carefully. I was told to watch these nations—China, Korea and Israel, as well as our own, very carefully. There would be government crisis, economic crisis. There was gong to be political crisis that would overwhelm us if we didn’t watch carefully. This Passover word kept drawing me to the economic shift when this pandemic hit, coming out of China. … James said, “Lord, You have really ordained a time to reset us. It will have grave consequences for some; it’s going to cause the nations to be threshed. It’s going to cause a move of the Spirit of God like we’ve never seen, and one of the groups having the hardest time to adjust to this is the church.”

Dutch Sheets:

I’m seeing a very clear thread. The Lord gave me an assignment to go to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. As you remember from history, Washington and his troops endured a very difficult winter at Valley Forge, difficult winter. They experienced a plague and 2,000 soldiers died. It was a do-or-die place for the American army, and the outcome of the war depended on their survival. They did persevere; they survived. But they also improved. It was at Valley Forge that God brought greater discipline, coordination and character to the army. Had that not happened, they would have not won the war.

It was very prophetic that this was called the place of the forge. Valley Forge was named after the forge, where through heat and fire people shaped metal. You get it hot in the forge. So, our nation was forged in a literal way. In a dream, I was told to take a team to Valley Forge and that angels in reserve were there that need to be released. Others joined us. We prayed from there and it was good because I knew God was leading us. On my way home, the prophet called me to another dream and said the same angels that helped Washington during the Revolution needed to be released now. In the dream, it said, “Convene the blacksmiths, and tell them it’s time to shape and turn the plowshares back into swords.” Read Joel 3:10 to find out: “Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weakling say, ‘I am a warrior.'” I knew the Lord was saying to us that the warfare is going to intensify going forward.

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