God Has a Purpose for Your Finances

2023 6 Purpose for Finances

Question: how much money is too much money?

It’s really a simple answer. Are you ready for it? It’s whatever amount replaces trust in God.

Some people get $100 in their pocket and they forget there’s a God in heaven. Other people, $100 million doesn’t even move them because their hearts are so anchored in the invisible realm.

I believe God’s looking for people that He can trust with finances.

So many Christians worry about the love of money and forget there is something else you can do. You can serve God with your money. It’s called being a steward.

Here’s the thing… you can be broke and not be poor. Broke is a temporary financial condition. Poverty is a lens that only sees meager possibilities. When you only see meager possibilities, it will severely limit God’s ability to get involved.

Here’s some good news—prosperity begins with who you have not what you have.

I took a year and I read about 100 books on finances. I read and listened to so many messages, and meditated on the Scriptures. I planned on doing a six-part series that turned into an 18-part series on finances—which by the way is the most offensive thing a pastor named Jim Baker could do. I spent those weeks getting the heart conditions right before even addressing investing or stewardship with my congregation.

As a result, 25 of our church members got completely out of debt (many of them, that included paying off their houses).

How does that happen?

Well, 3 John 2 says, “You may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” So, when you take care of what’s on the inside, the outside can’t help but change.

Let me give you my definition of prosperity: You have more than enough resources to fulfill every divine assignment God has for you and enough left over to help others fulfill theirs.

What are we talking about?

We’re talking about the provision for your vision. As Christians, we’re not chasing after dollars, we’re seeking God. Prosperity is a byproduct of seeking God.

Here’s what that doesn’t mean: it doesn’t mean that every Christian is going to be a zillionaire.

What it does mean, is that you will have finances in proportion to your assignment. So, if you’re a farmer in Uganda, your finances are going to look different from someone who’s called to reach the Hollywood elite.

Stay in your lane and God’s going to give you the provision for your vision.

I want to challenge you to redefine normal Christianity as “prosperity with a purpose.”

You see… affluence is for influence. Income is for impact. Prosperity has a purpose.

The purpose is to change the world.

Listen folks, if you cannot afford to go to the store, how can you afford to go into all the world? If your pitcher is empty, you cannot fill somebody else’s cup.

I know there’s been bad teaching on finances in the past. There’s also been bad teaching on heaven and yet I still plan on going there.

When you walk in the fear of error, you are already in error because you’re ignoring the truth. So, let’s not worry about all those past mistakes.

Let’s hit the refresh button, let’s take a deep dive with God and see what He has to say about true prosperity.

Prosperity with a purpose. {eoa}

Jim Baker is the Senior Leader and Pastor at Zion Christian Fellowship in Powell, Ohio. He was led by the Lord to go into finance in 2011 and has helped others utilize biblical principles to experience financial breakthrough in their lives. Baker is now committed to a movement of kingdom wealth-builders who understand that prosperity has a purpose.

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