Former Satanist John Ramirez: Defeating Sickness with Spiritual Warfare Prayers


Living a life serving God and His purposes isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. In fact, the more you seek to advance God’s kingdom on earth, the more spiritual warfare you will face in your life. Former Satanist John Ramirez shares what he has learned over the years to defeat Satan in times of warfare.

“You’ll make Jesus Christ proud at the end of your journey if you fight the fight. Instead of lukewarm, pocketbook Christian, why not be God’s best and stand up for the battle,” Ramirez says in our Charisma magazine interview. wp content uploads 2023 02 JOHN RAMIREZ FIRE PRAYERSIn his new book “Fire Prayers: Building Arsenals That Destroy Satanic Kingdoms,” Ramirez talks about the importance of taking the battle to the spirit realm and why being equipped with God’s warfare weapons is one of the most life-changing experiences of all.

God has a special purpose for your life but the enemy will try to use people and troubling situations to derail you. “Why do you live by the opinions of people? God always told me ‘I will always do my part but I won’t do yours,'” he says.

If you are allowing the opinions of others to influence God’s plans for your life pray for a renewed fear of the Lord. David Jeremiah describes the fear of the Lord as not being scared of God, it’s just not wanting to disappoint Him.

“I thought that was the coolest thing when I heard that. I had a hallelujah going this morning in praise and I had to step on my toes and say ‘Lord help me to never disappoint you,'” Ramirez says.

In our interview, Ramirez talks about the wilderness journey between every promise land. You will face hardships, questions, moments that try your faith and seasons that uproot all of the dirt and junk you didn’t know was hidden inside. In this life, you have the opportunity to show God you have faith in His plans and purposes.

Recently Ramirez was in Bakersfield, California praying for a woman walking through a dark wilderness season. She was diagnosed with stage four cancer and was living with a small oxygen tank.

“She came up to the prayer line and I prayed for her. She fell into the seats because the Holy Spirit fell on her so hard. She left without the oxygen tank, she left completely free,” Ramirez says.

He shared another testimony of a Muslim woman he met a few years back. She came to a service he held in Queens, New York. She was serving Allah and had no faith in Jesus, yet during her darkest hour she knew Jesus was the answer. She was riddled with cancer and had six months left to live. Ramirez prayed for her and visited the church one year later. Awaiting him at the doorsteps was a woman filled with joy and a smile from ear to ear. He didn’t remember her at first until she reminded him of the last time she met.

The formerly Muslim woman had given her life to Jesus the day Ramirez prayed for her. Her cancer disappeared and she has been inviting everyone she knows to come to church and encounter the Jesus she had.

“You have to have target arrow precision prayers. It’s like being a spiritual sniper. These kinds of prayers will hit the root of the issue,” Ramirez says.

Tune in to the rest of the video to hear more about prayers for marriage, finances and children. Check out Ramirez’s book “Fire Prayers” to read the manual that will equip you with a spiritual warfare arsenal that will leave Satan and his kingdom trembling. {eoa} wp content uploads 2023 02 01 Cover CM JANFEB 23 200pxWide with border

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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.

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