Ex-New Age Blogger Exposes Occultic Lies Behind Religion

Steven Bancarz

Ex New-Age blogger Steven Bancarz wants to expose the religion that held him captive for so many years. Though the YouTube star gave his life to Christ, his goal in exposing the New Age isn’t necessarily to turn people to God; rather, he wants his viewers to understand the truth. 

“People deserve to hear the truth, and they are currently being lied to,” Bancarz says.  

To begin, much of the New Age philosophy is built around Atlantis. Yes, that Atlantis.  

You may say what’s the harm in believing in an underwater legend?  

“This Atlantis myth is almost always pushed alongside a Luciferian philosophy,” Bancarz says.  

But that’s not all.  

“So one of the reasons I’m exposing the New Age is just because there is some stuff that is just false,” Bancarz says. “And I don’t think anybody wants to actively believe in something that is obviously false. So some New Age ideas I’m going to be exposing just for the sake of truth and just so people can have something to dig their teeth into.” 

Watch the video to see more. 

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