Enter the Courts of Heaven with Rabbi Curt Landry

2023 1 Law and Justice

This article was first released by Curt Landry Ministries.

Note: This is the first of a two-part series of articles.

When you enter heaven’s courtroom to do spiritual warfare, you are asking that the will of God, what is written in His books, be released from heaven and come to earth. All Scripture and promises of God are “yes and amen” in the courts. If there is something hindering your prayers, God can reveal that to you in the Courts of Heaven.

So then, rather than thinking spiritual warfare takes place on a battlefield, think of it taking place in a courtroom. When you enter heaven’s courtroom, it isn’t about changing God’s mind. Instead, it is about aligning your soul: mind, will and emotions, with His.

Enter heaven’s courtroom based on your identity, as one in relationship with the Just Judge and purchased by the blood of Yeshua, and set the stage for the rest of the proceedings.

I want to talk to you about a level of spiritual warfare—understanding heaven’s courts. Many people struggle with the kingdom concept, yet “kingdom” is mentioned in the Bible numerous times.

Think About the Lord’s Prayer

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”Matthew 6:9-10

This refers to the “heavenly courts.” So then, “Your will be done on earth as it is written in the heavenly courts.”

  • Know that when you ask that the will of the Lord be done, you are saying, “What is recorded in Your books—all the Scriptures, oaths and promises of God—are yes and amen in the courts.

The Courts of Heaven

Many people have lots of thoughts, ideas, and questions about the Courts of Heaven. But the concept is quite practical.

Maybe you’ve asked…

  • How do I enter heaven’s courtroom?
  • How do I change how I do spiritual warfare in the Courts of Heaven?
  • What does the Holy Spirit reveal to me about the Courts of Heaven?

Think for a moment about how God is a Just Judge and the Bible verses that talk about His sovereignty. I want to take you to the scriptures to experience how this works.

Steps to Enter Heaven’s Courtroom

First, put on the full armor of God. Gird your waste. Say a prayer such as…

  • “Father God, I put on my identity, so to say, my spiritual long-handle underwear. I am a seed of Abraham. I am a co-heirs with Christ, so I belong to Him. And Lord, I thank You that this, so to say, this long handle underwear that I put on, is actually a fabric made out of the blood of Jesus. So it cleanses me from the top of my head to the bottom, the soles of my feet.”

Second, confess.

We won’t go through this right now, but you can go back to the first session where I talk about the importance of confessing current sin, habitual sin, and generational sin. We come out of agreement with all that.

Third, come boldly to the throne.

Pray something such as, “God, Your Word says, ‘Let us come boldly into the throne room of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in our time of need,’ according to Hebrews 4:16.” When you come to the throne, you must acknowledge that you have a need. And so, we say, “Lord, we’ve cleansed ourselves.”

Now we’re going to put on the breastplate of righteousness, understanding that the righteousness of Christ means we are identifying with our right standing to be able to come boldly into this throne room of grace. {eoa}

VIctory in Spiritual WarfareClick here to view Rabbi Landry’s book on spiritual warfare!

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Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave Kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.

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