Election to Inauguration: Only Holy Spirit Can Provide the Deep Discernment

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“Baby, it’s cold outside.” So went the song by some pop star in days gone by.

Yes, and it’s dark outside, too—literally dark 24/7 in some parts of the world and virtually dark during the second wave of the lockdown.

Polar Night is the annual phenomenon in certain regions of the Arctic and Antarctic circles. In 2020, the sun set at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 11 in the United States’ northernmost town, and it won’t rise again for another 66 days in Utqiagvik, Alaska, formerly known as Barrow.

The sunrise date is Jan. 23.

By then, it’ll be 2021, and someone will have been inaugurated president. Will the U.S. have an available COVID-19 vaccine by then? Will we still be in pandemic mode? Will the United States still be united? Only God knows whatever else will have happened in this dark winter interim period.

Since election night, this country is in its own Polar Night of uncertainty, confusion, fear, anxiety—like no other.

Even the use of the word “lockdown” sounds more ominous than the previous use of the gentler term “sheltered in place.” We are beginning to squirm under more and more authoritarian control and restrictions to our freedoms. These are slipping away almost unnoticed while we are forced aside amid tremendous changes which are being enacted “in the darkness” at warp speed.

We may be deliberately kept in the dark in our mandated hideaways during this time. The media doesn’t pierce the darkness for us accurately. Issues are clouded, and reporting is slanted, dictated by the resetters. We are propelled to discouragement and fear of the future.

What will our country and our private world look like when the darkness lifts?

Some Alaskans prepare for Polar Night by taking Vitamin D supplements. They try to circumvent becoming victim to SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) or a (Spiritual Attitude of Despair), which many experience as a form of mental depression in climates where there is little sunlight. In the natural world the sun is hidden, but if our focus is steadfast on the Son of God, Jesus, that spiritual “D” (Divine) vitamin will sustain us.

‘Seeing’ Through the Darkness

Some of us have been deceiving ourselves that eventually we will emerge unscathed into our previously familiar world; everything will be normal again, and we will live happily ever after.

Nothing can be further from reality. We are being held under house arrest, as it were, while all things are being reset outside in the dark. If we try to find out, we are placated with the pretense that it is all happening for our own good—protection from the pandemic.

We can’t “read the lips” nor the intentions of the people we encounter. Are they friends or foes? Nor can we identify the movers and shakers who are doing the resetting because they are hidden behind the masks. Masks are being encouraged as fashion statements to match our attire. More masks are becoming in-your-face billboards with propaganda reset slogans on them.

Could it be that little by little the resetters are counting on our eyes becoming accustomed to the new darkness during the 66 virtual Polar Night period before the inauguration? Are we being conditioned to accept the reset changes?

When we emerge, we may find that our American patriotism is out of date. Our allegiance is no longer to be pledged to the flag, but we are to salute global loyalties rather than national interests.

While we are quietly sequestered, our religious practices have been eroded and deemed nonessential. The number of people allowed to assemble for religious observance is being reduced, not only to the point of being ridiculous but to be unacceptable. Meanwhile, full reign is given to irate mobs who destroy property and do physical violence.

Must we simply stand by and let it happen?

Our children are suffering from remote learning, erratic educational opportunities and brainwashed to obey online instructions from virtual strangers.

Our sacred and secular traditions and history are being rewritten, and the statues and monuments which prod our memories are toppled.

Our population is being systematically reduced by the elimination of the next generation through abortion.

The voices of our elderly with the wisdom of their years are being silenced, and their numbers gradually diminished through separation from their families and distancing from the general population.

Our biblical and traditional moral values are regarded with contempt.

Our constitutional freedoms are being quietly but firmly discarded as socialism is offered a welcome mat.

Are we so willingly allowing ourselves to be taken captive by the same forces of social dismantling that proved to be the downfall of other nations and cultures?

We must stay awake during this prolonged critical transition of our virtual Polar Night between Election Day and the 2021 inauguration.

Jesus Instructs Us to ‘Watch and Pray’

Let us pray for discernment from the Holy Spirit to distinguish between so-called “conspiracy theories,” ways in which we are being deliberately deceived and controlled and the valid forward movement of progress and change.

Jesus declared that His kingdom is not of this world, yet He calls us to live wisely in this ever-changing scenario with His reign in our hearts and His agenda to bring all men unto Himself.

Jesus warned that “night is coming when no man can work” (John 9:4b).

During the thick darkness of this unique Polar Night, the Holy Spirit can give God’s people spiritual night vision goggles to perceive and steadfastly follow His Way, Truth and Life.

“God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5b). {eoa}

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