Darlene Zschech Ends Chemo, Starts Worshipping Again

Darlene Zschech

Nearly five months ago, former Hillsong Church worship pastor Darlene Zschech announced that she had breast cancer and would undergo chemotherapy. Now the popular singer and songwriter is thanking prayer warriors for their efforts during the battle.

Zschech announced she has officially finished her last round of chemo and says hallelujah is the best word to describe how she feels about it. The battle isn’t over. She starts radiation this coming week—and that will last six weeks.

“I shall be glowing from the inside out,” she quips. “And then that’s it. Never again.”

Zschech again thanks her fans for continued prayers.

“On the days where I have felt I cannot do it anymore, I literally have felt the strength of people praying for me,” she wrote on her blog. “The power of the Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen has been beyond what I have ever experienced before. Again, I am so thankful for every one of you.”

Zschech says she’s had a lot of time to think—and think deeply. During this time, she says, she’s reflected and prayed on many things.

“I cry easily, not necessarily sad tears, but tears all the same,” she says. “Even when I’m laughing I end up crying. I think the tears have taken the place of words for the time being. This too shall pass. One day the words to define this season will come. And I pray they bring hope to all who hear.”

“Even though I unashamedly begged for God to heal me before treatment,” she says, “He said to me that as I walked through He would never leave me.

“This is the truth for all of us today, no matter what you may be facing, even if God feels far away, our loving Father will never leave us or forsake us. I take great pleasure in knowing this beyond a shadow of a doubt. He is with me. He is with you.”

Zschech says she’s excited about leading worship Sunday at church—the first time since the journey started.

“Even if its [sic] a bit rough and ready, leading people to the courts of our God is my greatest honor. I simply cannot wait!” she says. “His presence truly is heaven. We will pray on Sunday night for all those needing healing, and for all of you who’ve asked us to pray for loved ones. Yes we shall. Healing, in Jesus name.”

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