Building Spiritual Muscle: Crush the Devil Daily with This Powerful Exercise

Building muscle

In the world of physical fitness, one truth remains constant: owning a gym doesn’t guarantee a fit body. The same principle applies to spiritual strength.

Deliverance minister Vlad Savchuk says you can build your spiritual muscles by praying in tongues daily. He challenges Spirit-filled believers to dedicate at least 10 minutes a day to this exercise. Doing so will help you give the enemy the thrashing he deserves daily.

“There is a power of God that can be released through your life by this very simple practice,” Savchuk says. “Praying in the Holy Spirit is a biblical habit that we must all develop. When I exercise physically, I become fit. It affects my mood and my mind and it leads me to other disciplines. The same thing is true when you pray in tongues every day.

“I want to challenge you, for at least the next six months, to pray in tongues at least 10 minutes a day. Maybe it’s Monday through Friday or three or four times a week, but the more you do it, the better spiritually fit you will be.

Here are seven benefits you will experience by praying in tongues routinely:

1. Strengthening Your Inner Man: In Ephesians 3:16, it is written that God will grant strength through His Spirit in the inner man. Praying in tongues fortifies your spirit, enabling it to guide your life, as opposed to being dominated by your soul or body. It empowers you to speak to your soul in times of stress and uncertainty, ultimately leading to greater self-control and peace.

2. Building Yourself Up: Jude 1:20 encourages believers to “build themselves up on their most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.” This signifies the importance of focusing on personal growth and development. While you may have ambitions to build a career, ministry or family, don’t forget to build yourself. Praying in tongues acts as a construction tool for your spiritual growth.

3. Finding Spiritual Refreshing: Isaiah 28:11-12 describes speaking in tongues as a source of rest and refreshing for the weary. Praying in tongues during times of exhaustion can rejuvenate your spirit. It’s a dynamic means of connecting with God, allowing His refreshing presence to flow through you, much like a river of living water.

4. Releasing God’s River: Jesus once said, “Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38). By praying in tongues, you become a conduit for God’s river to flow through you, affecting every area of your life. Your spoken words become the vessel through which God’s power and blessings are unleashed.

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5. Praying into God’s Will: Romans 8:26-27 speaks of the Spirit helping in our weaknesses by interceding for us in alignment with God’s will. When you pray in tongues, your prayers are elevated to a level of divine harmony, leading to more effective and aligned communication with God.

6. Elevating Your Worship: Acts 10:46 demonstrates that speaking in tongues can magnify God. Your worship becomes more profound and expressive when you incorporate this practice into your daily spiritual routine. It allows you to connect with God on a deeper level, enhancing your relationship with Him.

7. Taming Your Tongue: Finally, James 3:6 highlights the destructive potential of the human tongue and the need to control it. Praying in tongues helps refine your speech, imbuing it with grace, love and hope. It equips you with greater self-control over your words and the ability to use your tongue for the glory of God.

Praying in tongues isn’t a passive act but an exercise that strengthens your spiritual muscles and fosters a deeper connection with God. By setting aside just 10 minutes a day, you can unlock the supernatural treasures that lie within you.

As Savchuk encourages, take the challenge to pray in tongues daily and watch as your spirit becomes stronger, your soul is aligned with your inner man and your relationship with God deepens.{eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.

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