Author name: Samantha Carpenter

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How to Handle the Attack Against You


How do you respond to the sneak attacks of life? The other day we had storms rolling in, so I moved to the safety of the front porch for protection. However, the front porch was anything but safe, as we had a hornet’s nest hidden under the arm of the furniture. Although they were uninvited, […]

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Declarations to Pray for the Crisis in Afghanistan


I heard the news of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, and I was grieved. We are living out the very prophecy of the Bible with Christians being martyred for their faith. The Bible speaks of end-time persecution and wars. This is not a time for fear but a time for faithful prayers. I cried out

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Prophetic Word: Critical Race Theory or ‘Kingdom Race Theology’?


I recently watched a sermon by Dr. Tony Evans called “Kingdom Race Theology.” The message is a response to the controversial ideology called critical race theory that has been floating around social media lately. If you don’t know what critical race theory is, I encourage you to watch his two-part sermon as Evans shares a

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Afghanistan, Galatians and Deception in the Last Days


The fall of Afghanistan has coincided with my study on Galatians. What do the two have in common? They share what Jesus warned about in Matthew 24 regarding the last days: deception. The Galatians had been deceived by false teachers that Jesus alone was not enough to save a person. You had to obey the

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The Most Dangerous Threat to the Church Today


Sometime ago, during a meeting with a fellow minister inside an Islamic nation where I was preaching, a conversation arose concerning the condition of the church there. He asked me, “Brother, do you know the No. 1 problem with the church in my nation?” I processed his question for a moment and thought about ISIS

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Third-Day Realities


Throughout the Bible, God employed the use of numbers to express spiritual truths, to mark and direct us to notable events on heaven’s trajectory of movement up to Jerusalem and the future reign of Christ. Certain numbers have been revealed to have great significance such as seven—representing completion of purposes; 40, representing times of judgment

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End-Times Author: Christians Do Not Go Into the Tribulation


One large fear in Christianity today is what will happen to believers when the Tribulation arrives. Will we go into the Tribulation? Are we already there? Is Jesus going to need Christians to help Him inside the Tribulation? The Bible shares dozens of verses offering solid proof, so we can know without question that the

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Jesus Encounters: The Fear Vaccine


Symptoms may include but are not limited to powerlessness, anxiety, hopelessness, paranoia, ever increasing isolation from people and communities, the constant feeling that no one will listen or understand you. If the viral fear around you has made its way inside of you, then there is Good News, the gospel. Jesus saves! He really does,

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Move From Breaking Point to Breakthrough


Are you under a tremendous amount of stress? Have you been tried and tested, and you feel like you cannot go on for another minute or second? Have you reached your breaking point? A breaking point is defined as a point at which a person gives way under stress, or in other words, a point

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A Prophetic Whirlwind of Change Is Upon Us


Series of Life-Changing Events We are in a season where life-changing events are taking place. In fact, sequences of events are taking place that are lining you up for the greatest blessings, promotions, experiences and encounters that you have ever had and seen. Expect new alignments and assignments to fall onto your lap with a

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Persecution Will Come


When you last picked your Bible up off your table, your nightstand or your bookshelf, did you even pause to realize what an amazing thing that is? In many countries around the world today, believers not only lack access to the written Word of God, they are, in fact, not allowed to even possess any

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