Author name: Mark Kellner

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy

Why House GOP Leader Won’t Shut Feds Down Over Planned Parenthood Funding


House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Monday he expects lawmakers to debate federal funding this month for Planned Parenthood as they consider spending legislation for the current fiscal year, but he did not expect a government shutdown over funding for the women’s health group.   McCarthy, responding to questions about whether the deadly shooting at […]


Why Are Some Iowa Christians Backing Trump? Here Are Their Answers


This election cycle—particularly in the Republican presidential nomination process—has defied conventional wisdom at nearly every turn, and this phenomenon is best exemplified in the candidacy of billionaire Donald Trump. For the vast majority of political experts, both the rise and staying power of Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has been almost impossible to explain. His

Johnnie Moore

Did Ben Carson Score a Coup in Naming This Campaign Adviser?


It might be one of Dr. Ben Carson’s brainiest moves to date. The retired pediatric neurosurgeon’s campaign announced the appointment of Johnnie Moore, a prominent millennial evangelical Christian leader, as their “Special Faith Adviser,” according to a news release. “I’m very pleased to welcome Johnnie,” Carson said in the statement. “I have been humbled by

The First Thanksgiving

The Astonishing Move That Saved a Native American’s Life


Eric Metaxas penned a wonderful Thanksgiving Day account of America’s founding and the Patuxet Indian Squanto’s friendship. “Around 1608 an English ship dropped anchor off the coast of what is today Plymouth, Mass., ostensibly to trade metal goods for the natives’ beads and pelts. The friendly Patuxets received the crew but soon discovered their dark

Donald Trump

What Do Millions of Americans Agree With Donald Trump On?


Most Americans agree with Donald Trump—the illegal aliens have to go. Head ’em up, move ’em out.   A new Fox News poll shows 52 percent of the nation favors deporting the millions of illegals back to their home countries. Republicans and Democrats support Mr. Trump’s plan.   But the numbers among Republicans are astronomical.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie

Why This Surprise Endorsement May Boost Chris Christie in Key Primary


The publisher of an influential newspaper in the early voting state of New Hampshire said on Sunday the paper had endorsed Republican Chris Christie in the U.S. presidential contest because of his experience and potential to take on rival Donald Trump.   The New Hampshire Union Leader officially endorsed Christie on Saturday, with publisher Joseph

Hillary Clinton

What Hillary Clinton Wants to Do With Billions of Your Money


U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton plans to make job creation the focus of her campaign over the next month, beginning with a $275 billion infrastructure spending plan that will be released this week.   Clinton’s plan to increase the federal government’s spending on infrastructure by $275 billion over the next five years will be

Donald J. Trump

The Real Reason Trump Canceled an Event With Black Pastors


Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump has canceled a public event set for Monday where he had planned to announce endorsements from black pastors, after a group of African-American academics and clergy members urged them to reconsider, citing Trump’s “racially inaccurate … rhetoric.” Trump sent out word to media outlets last week that he would hold an


Why Maine Wants Candy Out of Food Stamp Diets


Some taxpayers consider it a sweet idea: Trim the purchase of soda and candy from the benefits provided to food stamp users.   The state of Maine wants to do just that. To ban food stamp recipients under the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) from purchasing specific unhealthy items, state officials have to get

Ben Carson

What Ben Carson Thinks About Syrian Refugees After Meeting Some


Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, who last week compared Syrian refugees to “rabid dogs,” met with refugees in Jordan on Saturday and urged the U.S. government to do more to help but did not endorse bringing them to the United States.   Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who has faced scrutiny over his foreign policy credentials,

Donald J. Trump

Why Donald Trump Just Dropped 12 Points in the Polls


U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s support among Republicans has dropped 12 points in less than a week, marking the real estate mogul’s biggest decline since he vaulted to the top of the field in July, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.   Trump was the favorite of 31 percent of Republicans in a rolling poll in

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