Author name: Leilani Haywood

mad couple

Mother-Son Bonding: Repairing the Relationship Breach


Jason Bradshaw grew up in a middle-class home. He was the oldest of three kids and was the only son. His parents loved each other. But when Jason was 12, tragedy struck their family. Jason’s father was killed in a car accident. The family was devastated, and Jason’s mother grieved for several years. As Jason […]

couple starting over

Writing the Next Chapter of Your Life


Exhausted and heartbroken, we drove out of the city, everything we owned packed in a U-Haul, with a carsick dog and 1-year-old in tow. We were officially closing that chapter of ministry. Exiting the city, I played back in my mind some wonderful climatic scenes: the adoption of our first child after 10 years of

Kathy Gray

3 Ways to Keep Your Fire Burning in Hard Times


There are two kinds of fire in life—the good Holy Spirit fire that helps us burn for the Lord and the fire of affliction, adversity, pain and sorrow. For some, fiery trials can be fire-quenchers, squelching your godly fire out. For others, trials can strengthen the very fiber of your being. You can go through

prophetic voices

Calling Down the Fire of God


Many proven prophetic voices are declaring a great move of God that is burgeoning and about to break forth. This is a move that will be marked by the fire of God sweeping across the earth, burning up the things of the enemy and of the flesh to reveal the presence and power of the

charismamag secure charismamedia.netdna images articles Spirit Spiritual Growth F McLeod

Joy to Your World


My name is Carol, and I’m a Christmas-aholic! Yes, I am one of those eccentrics who embraces the tradition of singing Christmas carols starting Oct. 1, of giving gifts to every person living on my street and of smiling at strangers in the outrageously long holiday post office lines. But it was not always this

woman in poverty

Finding God’s Grace for the Unlovable


In an hour, I leave for a school Christmas program, and I know at least two of my Spanish students have solos. I can hardly wait to hear them sing. Because life is more than Spanish and I need to always remember my 45 minutes with nouns and verbs and conjugations is only a little


How to Break Free From the Enemy’s Stranglehold


We’re called to fight the good fight of faith (1 Tim. 6:12). But our adversary the devil roams around like a roaring lion intent on devouring your faith (1 Pet. 5:8). One way the devil does this is by trying to choke you, or put you in a stranglehold. In the wrestling world—and remember, we’re wresting against principalities, powers,

woman worshipping

When Your Prophetic Journey Meets With Spiritual Warfare


Mary knelt in the shadow of the cross, weeping in anguish as her first-born Son hung above her, naked and bloody. The ominous roar of thunder was crowded out by His agonizing cry, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” She looked up through her tears. “Why,” she cried out in the deafening

Aimee Semple McPherson

The Legacy of a Miracle


Six doctors at the Mayo Clinic diagnosed my grandmother with an enlarged heart and confirmed that she had six months to live. She was 51. In spite of the doctors’ prognostication, God had a miraculous plan for her life that would grant her almost 50 more years. My grandfather was opposed to everything religious. He

Reaksa Himm

When a Christian Man Meets the Killers of His Family


No one knows the exact number of Cambodians that were executed in the infamous killing fields between 1975 and 1979. Estimates range between 1.7 million and 2.5 million innocent men, women and children who were mercilessly slaughtered at the hands of the Khmer Rouge regime. But for Reaksa Himm, the only relevant number is 13.

Feeding Children Everywhere

Hungry to Help


Growing up in destitute Haiti, all 10-year-old Marie Louise ever knew was poverty and hunger pangs. The things most Americans take for granted—sitting at a table to eat a full meal, not to mention the use of utensils—were completely foreign to her and the other children in her village. Instead, she was all too used

woman seeking direction

3 Warnings in Discerning God’s Will


There can be so much worry involved in knowing God’s will. What if I’m wrong? What if I missed it? We either blame ourselves or blame God, and both scenarios expose a small view of God. But God doesn’t want His desires to be a secret. He wants us to know what’s best, and that

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