Texas Clerk Refuses to Issue Licenses for Same-Sex ‘Marriages’

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Citing the Constitution and natural law, elected clerk for Irion County, Texas, Molly Criner has vowed to stand for natural marriage. Referring to the opinion of five lawyers regarding marriage, Criner said: “To keep my oath to uphold the Constitution, I must reject this ruling that I believe is lawless…I have to stand for the Constitution and the rule of law.”  Liberty Counsel is offering Ms. Criner pro bono counsel. “The justices of the Supreme Court acted outside and against the authority granted to them by the very Constitution that we have sworn to uphold,” Molly Criner continued. “Our Founding Fathers were fearful of too much power in the hands of a few,” Criner continued. “Consequently, they created a Constitutional republic in which authority to rule belonged to the people, to be exercised through their elected representatives.  In that Constitution, the Supreme Court was given the authority to expound the law, not rewrite it or remake it,” Criner said. “Natural marriage cannot be redefined by government without stepping out of the bounds of nature and nature’s God, who was recognized at the founding of our nation as the very source of our liberties,” pointed out Criner. “The Supreme Court has historically made a number of bad rulings, that time and justice have been able to realize and overcome,” said Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. “The opinion of five lawyers regarding marriage is another example of an unjust law that will be overcome as people stand together, individually, and as states,” Staver continued. “Like Molly, each of us should vow not to be intimidated but, instead, to stand united for our God-given liberties and the rule of law,” Staver advised.

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