Why This Businessman Upended His Life and Started a Christian TV Station


A Tampa-based businessman gave up his nice life in order to start a television studio for the glory of God.

In a video interview, Howard Conder, founder of Revelation TV in the UK, says God called him out of a comfortable life to follow him into the television industry.

“I was working in America having set up a music studio in Tampa, Florida in the 1980s,” Conder says. “My children were in school, my family settled, and outwardly everything looked great. But in my heart, God was doing something. You know the way God works. Doors open, and other doors close. And suddenly you find yourself doing things you never expected. … I saw the power of God and I saw the power of television and the good it could do, and I knew I could never go back to being a businessman ever again. God had began a work in me, and when He called, there was no way I was going to refuse Him.”

Watch the full video embedded here.


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