Why Mike Bickle Defends Beth Moore’s Right to Preach and Prophesy


In a video posted Monday, Mike Bickle—director of the International House of Prayer (IHOPKC) in Kansas City, Missouri—defends the right of Beth Moore—and other women—to preach and prophesy in the church.

“I believe the Holy Spirit is raising up women to prophesy,” Bickle says. “…They’re declaring the Word of the Lord under the anointing of the Spirit to build up the body of Christ.”

Bickle also extended an open invitation to Moore to preach any time at IHOPKC.

“Beth Moore, I tell you, you’re welcome here any time you want to come,” Bickle says. “… Lord, raise up a thousand more Beth Moores.”

Watch Bickle’s full video response embedded here.


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