WATCH: The Rev. Wintley Phipps Performs Moving Rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ at Capitol Ceremony Honoring John Lewis


Pastor and recording artist the Rev. Dr. Wintley Phipps sang “Amazing Grace” at a ceremony inside the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., honoring the late Rep. John Lewis, D-Georgia, whose casket arrived earlier this afternoon to lie in state for two days.

Lewis, an ordained Baptist minister whose body will be returned to Georgia for burial, was known for his faith and outspoken advocacy of civil rights. He died on July 17 at age 80, shortly after being diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

Phipps is a vocal artist, founder of the U.S. Dream Academy, Songs of Freedom Publishing Company and Coral Records Recording Company. He is an ordained Seventh-Day Adventist minister. Enjoy the moving rendition of this favorite hymn as you join the Charisma staff in prayer for Lewis’ family. {eoa}


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