WATCH: Spirit-Filled Pastor Issues Urgent Call to Ministry Leaders to Stand and Fight


Pastors, this is an urgent call—either fight or fade away.

In these dire times, we need watchmen, not motivational speakers; boldness not wokeness.

As we gather in San Diego this week for Pastors Summit 2022, hosted by Turning Point USA, we as pastors must realize that we are at the head of this movement,” says Shane Idleman, founder and senior pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Leona Valley, California. “We are leading the charge.”

“We’ve got to be prayed up; we’ve got to be ready. We’ve got to be spiritually alert. We’ve got to be discerning. Pastors are going to tilt the scale either back in the right direction, or our lack of leadership, or our lack of courage is going to tilt the scale in the wrong direction.”

The Pastors Summit will conclude on Friday, Aug. 12. Stay tuned to Charisma News for more updates from Pastor Idleman.


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