images Herman Cain

WATCH: Herman Cain’s Moving Rendition of ‘America the Beautiful’


A new documentary called America, America, God Shed His Grace on Thee is set to release Saturday, Oct. 10, featuring the final interview with the late former CEO and presidential candidate Herman Cain.

The film will be released during the virtual Western Conservative Summit and focuses on the importance of God and the Bible in the shaping of America. It also features interviews with prominent faith leaders Ben Shapiro, Sen. Ted Cruz, Alveda King, HUD Secretary Ben Carson and more.

Herman Cain died July 30, 2020, at age 74 after being hospitalized due to the coronavirus. In addition to his presidential run, he was a prominent businessman, former employee of the U.S. Department of the Navy and co-chairman of Black Voices for Trump.

Watch his moving rendition of “America the Beautiful” featured in the film here.

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