Trump Administration Honors President’s ‘Most Important Accomplishment’


During a ceremony honoring the president, the Trump administration highlighted what it says is Donald Trump’s greatest achievement during his time in office: his strong support of life regardless of situation or circumstance.

“When I got this job as press secretary, I knew it would be a tough one because I was a new mom and wanting to not miss a single moment of her life,” McEnany remembers. When she accepted the job, McEnany says Trump told her, “Your daughter is going to be OK.” McEnany continues, “He is a president that supports moms; he’s a president that supports life.”

McEnany says this is evident, not only through his support for her and her then-newborn but through the “freedom-loving justices and judges across this country” whom Trump has appointed to “protect our liberties” that are “central to … our founding documents.”

For more on how Trump has upheld the theme of the night—Life Is Winning—watch the video now. And watch the full ceremony here.


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